use 資料庫
declare @procname varchar(50)
create table #tmpname(content varchar(2000))
create table #tmp(procname varchar(2000),content1 varchar(8000))
declare searchproc cursor for
select name from sysobjects where type='p' and name not like 'dt_%'
open searchproc
fetch next from searchproc
into @procname
while @@fetch_status >=0
print @procname
insert into #tmpname(content) exec sp_helptext @procname
insert into #tmp(procname,content1) select @procname,#tmpname.content from #tmpname
truncate table #tmpname
fetch next from searchproc
into @procname
endclose searchproc
deallocate searchprocgo
select procname from #tmp where content1 like '%查詢內容%' group by procname
select procname,content1 from #tmp where content1 like '%查詢內容%'
select procname,content1 from #tmp where procname='儲存過程名稱'
drop table #tmpname
drop table #tmp
1.查詢某個表被哪些儲存過程 以下簡稱 sp 使用到 select distinct object name id from syscomments where id in select object id from sys.objects where type p and text like ta...
1.查詢某個表被哪些儲存過程 以下簡稱 sp 使用到 select distinct object name id from syscomments where id in select object id from sys.objects where type p and text like ta...
SQL技巧 查詢某個表關聯的所有儲存過程
關鍵字 sql技巧 在開發過程中,可能需要更改某乙個表的資料結構,或者更新資料。但你又不太清楚會造成什麼影響,遲遲不敢下手進行調整。筆者 快樂it 最近在做erp k3與oa藍凌介面時就遇到了這個問題,那是否有辦法知道我們所修改的table有哪些儲存過程引用了,哪些檢視關聯了即將要修改的表呢。答案是...