32010 3 4 1 tom
2010 3 5 2 jack
2010 3 6 3 mary
date 2010-3-4 is created.the 1th person tom whose birthday is 2010-3-4 is created.
the 1th student tom whose birthday is 2010-3-4 and id is 1 is created.
date 2010-3-5 is created.
the 2th person jack whose birthday is 2010-3-5 is created.
the 2th student jack whose birthday is 2010-3-5 and id is 2 is created.
date 2010-3-6 is created.
the 3th person mary whose birthday is 2010-3-6 is created.
the 3th student mary whose birthday is 2010-3-6 and id is 3 is created.
student tom whose birthday is 2010-3-4 and id is 1 is erased.
person tom whose birthday is 2010-3-4 is erased.
date 2010-3-4 is erased.
student jack whose birthday is 2010-3-5 and id is 2 is erased.
person jack whose birthday is 2010-3-5 is erased.
date 2010-3-5 is erased.
student mary whose birthday is 2010-3-6 and id is 3 is erased.
person mary whose birthday is 2010-3-6 is erased.
date 2010-3-6 is erased.
for (i = 0;i return0;}
using namespace std;
class date
int month_()
int day_()
date(int y,int m,int d):year(y),month(m),day(d);
class person
date &birth_()//必須使用引用,原因可以進行樣例測試可知
string name;
date birth;
int numofperson;
};int person::numofperson = 0;
class student:public person
;int student::numofstudent = 0;
int main()
for (i = 0;i return
OJ Problem F 一幫學生
description 學生student類是person類的子類,而且每個人都有生日,生日是date類的物件。所以,需要定義如下類 date類 擁有年 月 日三個int型別的屬性。person類 有乙個date型別物件的屬性 表示生日 string型別屬性 表示名字 以及乙個int型別的靜態屬性n...
天梯杯 一幫一
時間限制 400 ms 記憶體限制 65536 kb 長度限制 8000 b 判題程式 standard 作者 陳越 一幫一學習小組 是中小學中常見的學習組織方式,老師把學習成績靠前的學生跟學習成績靠後的學生排在一組。本題就請你編寫程式幫助老師自動完成這個分配工作,即在得到全班學生的排名後,在當前尚...
5 6 一幫一 15分
一幫一學習小組 是中小學中常見的學習組織方式,老師把學習成績靠前的學生跟學習成績靠後的學生排在一組。本題就請你編寫程式幫助老師自動完成這個分配工作,即在得到全班學生的排名後,在當前尚未分組的學生中,將名次最靠前的學生與名次最靠後的異性學生分為一組。輸入格式 輸入第一行給出正偶數n le 50 即全班...