迴圈佇列可以實現乙個生產者與乙個消費者模型, 不使用鎖。
[xiongli@localhost data_struct]$ ./a.out
push 0 at data[0]
push 1 at data[1]
push 2 at data[2]
push 3 at data[3]
push 4 at data[4]
push 5 at data[5]
push 6 at data[6]
push 7 at data[7]
push 8 at data[8]
the queue is full!
the queue is full!
the queue is full!
pop 0 at data[0]
push 9 at data[9]
the queue is full!
the queue is full!
the queue is full!
pop 1 at data[1]
push 10 at data[0]
the queue is full!
the queue is full!
the queue is full!
pull 2 at data[2]
push 11 at data[1]
the queue is full!
the queue is full!
the queue is full!
pop 3 at data[3]
push 12 at data[2]
the queue is full!
the queue is full!
the queue is full!
pop 4 at data[4]
push 13 at data[3]
the queue is full!
the queue is full!
the queue is full!
#include #include #define queue_size 10
struct enqueue queue;
int isfull()
void* push()
queue.data[queue.ntail] = i++;
printf("push %d at data[%d]\n",queue.data[queue.ntail],queue.ntail);
queue.ntail = (queue.ntail+1) % queue_size; //設定尾部
}return null;
}void* pop()
}printf("pull exit\n");
return null;
}int main()
from multiprocessing import process,lock import os,time,json with open user w encoding utf 8 as f dic json.dump dic,f def search with open user r enco...
目錄生產者消費者模型 我們知道程序之間資料是相互隔離的,要想實現程序間的通訊 ipc機制 就必須借助於一些技術才可以,比如multiprocessing模組中的 佇列和管道,這兩種方式都是可以實現程序間資料傳輸的,由於佇列是管道 鎖的方式實現,所以我們著重研究佇列即可 佇列支援多個人從佇列的一端放入...
先介紹幾個函式 生產消費者模型 二者共享資料value,這裡,生產者是producter,消費者是consumer。生產者負責放物品到value中,消費者使用wait 等待生產者的通知。當得到通知後,消費者取出物品,並且用notify 通知生產者,可以再放下一批物品。例項 package cn.ed...