alter procedure [dbo].[p_getgameconsumebytype]
-- add the parameters for the stored procedure here
@dtbegin datetime,
@dtend datetime,
@ngametype int
-- set nocount on added to prevent extra result sets from
-- interfering with select statements.
set nocount on;
with tbl as(
select case
when goldcount <= 40000 then '40000'
when goldcount between 40001 and 50000 then '50000'
when goldcount between 50001 and 60000 then '60000'
when goldcount between 60001 and 70000 then '70000'
when goldcount between 70001 and 80000 then '80000'
when goldcount between 80001 and 90000 then '90000'
when goldcount between 90001 and 100000 then '100000'
when goldcount between 100001 and 110000 then '110000'
when moneycount <= 200 then '200'
when moneycount between 201 and 400 then '400'
when moneycount between 401 and 600 then '600'
when moneycount between 601 and 800 then '800'
when moneycount between 801 and 1000 then '1000'
when moneycount between 1001 and 3000 then '3000'
when moneycount between 3001 and 5000 then '5000'
when moneycount between 5001 and 7000 then '7000'
from t_gamemoneyconsume with(nolock) where createtime between @dtbegin and @dtend and gametype = @ngametype
),tblstat1 as()
union all
union all
union all
union all
union all
union all
union all
union all
最終的到的是乙個二維表,第一列列標題是 xx數, 後面的列標題依次是 40000~110000+,可以自己針對這個儲存過程建個表填入資料執行看下結果
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