/*4。 function :校驗單證是否可以回銷
parameter : p_formno 單證號
p_institutionno 機構**前兩位
p_rtn_rcptno 業務單號
p_flag 是否可以回銷標誌,y——可以回銷,n——不可以回銷
p_message 錯誤資訊返回
*/procedure formno_writeoff_check(p_formno in varchar2,
p_institutionno in varchar2,
p_rtn_rcptno in varchar2,
p_flag in out varchar2,
p_message in out varchar2) is
v_instno value_voucher_record.institution_no%type;
v_sup2instno value_voucher_record.institution_no%type;
cursor cur_value_voucher_record is
select voucher_status, writeoff_billno, institution_no,end_receive_date
from value_voucher_record
where print_no = p_formno;
v_form_sts value_voucher_record.voucher_status%type;
v_rtn_rcptno value_voucher_record.writeoff_billno%type;
v_end_receive_date value_voucher_record.end_receive_date%type;
p_message := null;
open cur_value_voucher_record;
fetch cur_value_voucher_record
into v_form_sts, v_rtn_rcptno, v_instno,v_end_receive_date;
exit when cur_value_voucher_record%notfound;
proc_level2_instno(v_instno, v_sup2instno, p_message);
if p_message is null and substr(v_sup2instno, 0, 2) = p_institutionno then
if v_form_sts = '2' then
if nvl(v_rtn_rcptno, '@') <> p_rtn_rcptno and
p_rtn_rcptno is not null then
--p_message:= '此單證不能補印批單號為'||p_rtn_rcptno||'的單據!';
p_message := '此單證只能用於' || v_rtn_rcptno || '(已用)批單的補印';
elsif p_rtn_rcptno is null then
p_message := '此單證已處於回銷狀態,不能再回銷';
end if;
elsif v_form_sts = '1' then
p_message := null;
if (v_end_receive_date is not null and trunc(sysdate,'dd')>v_end_receive_date) then
p_message := '該單證有效期為'||to_char(v_end_receive_date,'yyyy-mm-dd')||',已過有效期,不能使用';
end if;
p_message := '單證不處於領用狀態,不能回銷';
end if;
end if;
end loop;
if cur_value_voucher_record%notfound then
p_message := '未查找到此流水號資訊';
end if;
if p_message is null then
p_flag := 'y';
p_flag := 'n';
end if;
close cur_value_voucher_record;
end formno_writeoff_check;
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