types : begin of ltype_cost_share,
zflag type posnr_acc, "憑證標示
bschl type bseg-bschl, "記帳**
gl_account type c001-sakn1, "科目
* doc_date type char8, "document date
* pos_date type char8, "posting date
* period type char4, "period
amount type bseg-wrbtr, "憑證中的金額
vbelv type vbfa-vbelv, "銷售訂單
posnv type vbfa-posnv, "銷售訂單行專案
sgtxt type bseg-sgtxt, "item text.
belnr type bkpf-belnr, "憑證編號
fis_period type char8, "period
fisc_year type char8, "記賬年份
messag type char300, "報訊息
end of ltype_cost_share.
data :lt_cost_share type table of ltype_cost_share,
ls_cost_share like line of lt_cost_share,
lt_display_cost type table of ltype_cost_share,
ls_display_cost like line of lt_display_cost
data: ls_cost_share2 like ls_cost_share.
data: lt_temp_cost type table of ltype_cost_share.
"// 將excel表中內容拆分憑證
clear ls_cost_share.
clear lt_temp_cost.
delete lt_cost_share where bschl is initial.
sort lt_cost_share by zflag.
clear ls_cost_share.
loop at lt_cost_share into ls_cost_share.
clear ls_cost_share.
clear ls_cost_share.
loop at lt_cost_share into ls_cost_share.
read table lt_cost_share into ls_cost_share2 index 2.
if sy-subrc = 0. "//有下條記錄
if ls_cost_share-zflag = ls_cost_share2-zflag. "//同乙個憑證
delete lt_cost_share.
"//bapi post
perform frm_bapi_post_data5 tables lt_temp_cost." tab_return.
delete lt_cost_share.
clear lt_temp_cost.
else. "// 只有一條記錄了
"//bapi post
perform frm_bapi_post_data5 tables lt_temp_cost." tab_return.
clear ls_cost_share.
sap憑證分割,一張原始憑證所列的支出,需要由兩個以上單位共同負擔時,應當由儲存該原始憑證的單位,開給其他應負擔支出的單位原始憑證分割單。相當於一張自製原始憑證。原始憑證分割單必須具備原始憑證的基本內容 憑證名稱 填製憑證日期 填製憑證單位名稱或者填製人姓名 經辦人的簽名或者蓋章 接受憑證單位名稱 ...
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會計憑證主表 bseg 會計核算憑證標題 bkpf 物料憑證清單 mseg 根據會計憑證找到相應的物料憑證 besg belnr 會計憑證號。bkpf belnr 會計憑證號。bkpf awkey 對應的物料憑證,格式為 49000792612007 其中 4900079261 為物料憑證號,200...
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