windowmanager wm = (windowmanager) this方法二:.getsystemservice(context.window_service);
int width = wm.getdefaultdisplay().getwidth();
int height = wm.getdefaultdisplay().getheight();
windowmanager wm1 = this.getwindowmanager();方法一與方法二獲取螢幕寬度的方法類似,只是獲取windowmanager 物件時的途徑不同。int width1 = wm1.getdefaultdisplay().getwidth();
int height1 = wm1.getdefaultdisplay().getheight();
windowmanager manager = this.getwindowmanager();方法四:displaymetrics outmetrics = new displaymetrics();
int width2 = outmetrics.widthpixels;
int height2 = outmetrics.heightpixels;
resources resources = this.getresources();方法三與方法四類似。displaymetrics dm = resources.getdisplaymetrics();
float density1 = dm.density;
int width3 = dm.widthpixels;
int height3 = dm.heightpixels;
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