Linux環境應用雜記 不斷更新

2021-05-22 19:39:34 字數 1024 閱讀 8094


sudo apt-get remove scim

sudo apt-get install scim

sudo apt-get install scim-chinese

sudo gedit /etc/x11/xsession.d /95xinput

/usr/bin/scim -d


export xmodifiers

export gtk_im_module=scim

exit and relogin

彙編安裝 binutils

1. sudo -sh 切換root

2. apt-get install binutils-doc

2. dpkg -l | grep binutil(debian型別查詢)

3. kdbg在ubuntu軟體中心安裝


sudo apt-get install manpages-dev


as -o cpuid.o cpuid.s

ld -dynamic-linker /lib/ -lc -o cpuid cpuid.o

gcc編譯器會自動連線所需c庫,不過用gcc編譯匯程式設計序時,必須把_start標籤改為main,gcc -o cpuid2 cpuid2.s

as -gstabs -o cpuid.o cpuid.s

ld -o cpuid cpuid.o

gcc -s *.c生成彙編**

vim + cscope + tags***.iso.gz檔案

解壓:gunzip ***.iso.gz

掛載:mount -o loop file.iso /mnt/cdrom

Android 開發雜記(不斷更新中)

方法一 windowmanager wm windowmanager this getsystemservice context.window service int width wm.getdefaultdisplay getwidth int height wm.getdefaultdispla...


首先安裝字型支援 apt get install language pack zh hant base language pack zh hans base 生成字符集 sudo dpkg reconfigure locales 然後選擇和zh開頭的用空格選上 安裝zhcon sudo apt in...

libuv 不斷更新

initialize the uv async t handle.a null callback is allowed.note that uv async init unlike other libuv functions,immediately starts the stop...