
2021-07-05 20:01:48 字數 4464 閱讀 5400











convolvedfeatures = cnnconvolve

(patchdim, numfeatures, images, w, b, zcawhite, meanpatch)

% parameters:

% patchdim - patch (feature) dimension

% numfeatures - number of features

% images - large images to convolve with, matrix in the form

% images(r, c, channel, image number)

% w, b - w, b for features from the sparse autoencoder

% zcawhite, meanpatch - zcawhitening and meanpatch matrices used for

% preprocessing

% returns:

% convolvedfeatures - matrix of convolved features in the form

% convolvedfeatures(featurenum, imagenum, imagerow, imagecol)

numimages = size(images, 4);

imagedim = size(images, 1);

imagechannels = size(images, 3);

w_new = w*zcawhite;

b_new = b - w*zcawhite*meanpatch;

w_new = reshape(w_new, numfeatures, patchdim*patchdim, imagechannels);

convolvedfeatures = zeros(numfeatures, numimages, imagedim - patchdim + 1, imagedim - patchdim + 1);

for imagenum = 1:numimages

for featurenum = 1:numfeatures

convolvedimage = zeros(imagedim - patchdim + 1, imagedim - patchdim + 1);

for channel = 1:3

feature = reshape(w_new(featurenum,:,channel), patchdim, patchdim);

% flip the feature matrix because of the definition of convolution, as explained later

feature = flipud(fliplr(squeeze(feature)));

im = squeeze(images(:, :, channel, imagenum));

convolvedimage = convolvedimage + conv2(im, feature, 'valid');

endconvolvedimage = convolvedimage + b_new(featurenum);

convolvedimage = 1 ./(1+exp(-convolvedimage));

convolvedfeatures(featurenum, imagenum, :, :) = convolvedimage;


其中卷積模板w, b和資料預處理引數zcawhite, meanpatch是從自編碼神經網路中學習得到的,不同的是,自編碼神經網路的輸出層啟用函式從sigmoid改為線性啟用函式。**如下:

% subtract mean patch (hence zeroing the mean of the patches)

meanpatch = mean(patches, 2);

patches = bsxfun(@minus, patches, meanpatch);

sigma = patches * patches' / numpatches;

[u, s, v] = svd(sigma);

zcawhite = u * diag(1 ./ sqrt(diag(s) + epsilon)) * u';

patches = zcawhite * patches;

% learn features parameter

theta = initializeparameters(hiddensize, visiblesize);

addpath minfunc/

options = struct;

options.method = 'lbfgs';

options.maxiter = 400;

options.display = 'on';

[opttheta, cost] = minfunc( @(p) sparseautoencoderlinearcost(p, ...

visiblesize, hiddensize, ...

lambda, sparsityparam, ...

beta, patches), ...

theta, options);

w = reshape(opttheta(1:visiblesize * hiddensize), hiddensize, visiblesize);

b = opttheta(2*hiddensize*visiblesize+1:2*hiddensize*visiblesize+hiddensize);



pooledfeatures = cnnpool

(pooldim, convolvedfeatures)

numimages = size(convolvedfeatures, 2);

numfeatures = size(convolvedfeatures, 1);

convolveddim = size(convolvedfeatures, 3);

pooledfeatures = zeros(numfeatures, numimages, floor(convolveddim / pooldim), floor(convolveddim / pooldim));

% use mean pooling here.

for imagenum = 1:numimages

for featurenum = 1:numfeatures

fori = 1:floor(convolveddim / pooldim)

forj = 1:floor(convolveddim / pooldim)

poolregion = convolvedfeatures(featurenum, imagenum, ((i-1)*pooldim+1):(i*pooldim), ((j-1)*pooldim+1):(j*pooldim));

poolregion = squeeze(poolregion);

pooledfeatures(featurenum,imagenum, i, j) = mean(mean(poolregion));





1. 2. ning f, delhomme d, lecun y, et al. toward automatic phenotyping of developing embryos from videos. tip, 2005, 14(9): 1360-1371.

Deep learning系列(七)啟用函式

sigmoid將乙個實數輸入對映到 0,1 範圍內,如下圖 左 所示。使用sigmoid作為啟用函式存在以下幾個問題 因為上面兩個問題的存在,導致引數收斂速度很慢,嚴重影響了訓練的效率。因此在設計神經網路時,很少採用sigmoid啟用函式。tanh函式將乙個實數輸入對映到 1,1 範圍內,如上圖 右...

Deep learning系列(七)啟用函式

sigmoid將乙個實數輸入對映到 0,1 範圍內,如下圖 左 所示。使用sigmoid作為啟用函式存在以下幾個問題 因為上面兩個問題的存在,導致引數收斂速度很慢,嚴重影響了訓練的效率。因此在設計神經網路時,很少採用sigmoid啟用函式。tanh函式將乙個實數輸入對映到 1,1 範圍內,如上圖 右...

Deep Learning 學習筆記整理系列之四

九 deep learning的常用模型或者方法 9.1 autoencoder自動編碼器 deep learning最簡單的一種方法是利用人工神經網路的特點,人工神經網路 ann 本身就是具有層次結構的系統,如果給定乙個神經網路,我們假設其輸出與輸入是相同的,然後訓練調整其引數,得到每一層中的權重...