
2021-07-04 23:37:43 字數 1922 閱讀 5899


/bin = binaries

/dev = devices

/etc = etcetera

/lib = library

/proc = processes

/sbin = superuser binaries

/tmp = temporary

/usr = unix shared resources

/var = variable ?

fifo = first in, first out

grub = grand unified bootloader

ifs = internal field seperators

lilo = linux loader

mysql = my是最初作者女兒的名字,sql = structured query language

php = personal home page tools = php hypertext preprocessor

ps = prompt string

perl = "pratical extraction and report language" = "pathologically eclectic rubbish lister"

python 得名於電視劇集monty python's flying circus

tcl = tool command language

tk = toolkit

vt = video terminal

yast = yet another setup tool

apache = "a patchy" server

apt = advanced packaging tool

ar = archiver

as = assembler

awk = "aho weiberger and kernighan" 三個作者的姓的第乙個字母

bash = bourne again shell

bc = basic (better) calculator

bg = background

biff = 作者heidi stettner在u.c.berkely養的一條狗,喜歡對郵遞員汪汪叫。

cal = calendar

cat = catenate

cd = change directory

chgrp = change group

chmod = change mode

chown = change owner

chsh = change shell

cmp = compare

cobra = common object request broker architecture

comm = common

cp = copy

cpio = copy in and out

cpp = c pre processor

cron = chronos 希臘文時間

cups = common unix printing system

cvs = current version system

daemon = disk and execution monitor

dc = desk calculator

dd = disk dump

df = disk free

diff = difference

dmesg = diagnostic message

du = disk usage

ed = editor

egrep = extended grep

elf = extensible linking format

elm = electronic maillinux

指令名稱 chmod

指令名稱 chmod 使用許可權 所有使用者 使用方式 chmod cfvr help version mode file.說明 linux unix 的檔案呼叫許可權分為 檔案擁有者 群組 其他。利用 chmod 可以藉以控制檔案如何被他人所呼叫。引數 mode 許可權設定字串,格式如下 ugoa...

TensorFlow筆記 指令名稱

對於下面程式 import tensorflow as tf def op demo a tf.constant 5 b tf.constant 6 c tf.add a,b print a n a print b n b print c n c with tf.session as sess c ...


adcadd wihc t arry,包含旗標位元的算術加法指 包含旗標位元的算術加法指 addadd,算術加法指 andlogical and,輯and運算指 bbranch,跳躍指 bicbit clear,位元清除指 blbranch with link with link,包含返回的跳躍指 ...