VBA 從oracle取資料

2021-06-22 08:55:23 字數 2688 閱讀 3577

private sub btn查詢_click()

dim conn as new adodb.connection

dim strconn as string

strconn = "provider=oraoledb.oracle.1; user id="

strconn = strconn & txt使用者名稱.value

strconn = strconn & "; password=" & txt密碼.value

strconn = strconn & ";data source = " & txt資料庫.value

strconn = strconn & "; persist security info=true"

conn.open strconn

call 查詢.資料化分析(conn)

conn.close '關資料庫

msgbox ("查詢完成!!")

end sub

private sub btn退出_click()

unload me

end sub

private sub txt資料庫_change()

end sub

sub add_menu()

dim wsmenubar as commandbar

dim helpmenu as commandbarcontrol

dim newmenu as commandbarpopup

dim menuitem as commandbarcontrol

dim submenuitem as commandbarbutton

set wsmenubar = commandbars("worksheet menu bar")

on error resume next


set helpmenu = wsmenubar.findcontrol(id:=30010)

if helpmenu is nothing then

set newmenu = wsmenubar.controls.add(type:=msocontrolpopup)


set newmenu = wsmenubar.controls.add(type:=msocontrolpopup, before:=helpmenu.index)

end if

newmenu.caption = "@資料化分析(&d)"

set menuitem = newmenu.controls.add(type:=msocontrolbutton)

with menuitem

.caption = "連線oracle資料庫(&a)"

.onaction = "顯示窗體"

.begingroup = true

end with

end sub

sub reset_menubar()

on error resume next


end sub

private sub 顯示窗體()


end sub

public sub 資料化分析(conn as adodb.connection)

dim rs as new adodb.recordset

dim strsql as string

dim 資料化分析sql as string

dim i, row as integer

dim ws as worksheet

dim rg as range

dim wb as workbook

dim fileopen as boolean

row = 1

set ws = worksheets("資料化分析")

set rg = ws.cells(65536, 1)

strsql = ""

for i = 1 to rg.end(xlup).row

strsql = strsql & " " & ws.cells(i, 1)

'ws.cells(row, i) = rs.fields(i - 1).name


rs.open strsql, conn

set ws2 = worksheets("查詢結果")


for i = 1 to rs.fields.count

ws2.cells(row, i) = rs.fields(i - 1).name


do until rs.eof

row = row + 1

for i = 1 to rs.fields.count

'ws2.cells(1, i) = rs.fields(i - row).name

ws2.cells(row, i) = rs.fields(i - 1).value





end sub


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