linux下安裝 ruby zlib 的關鍵一步

2021-06-19 09:57:50 字數 1670 閱讀 7024

在 ubutun 9.0.4上通過源**方式安裝完 ruby 1.9.1 時挺順利的,所以興高采烈地繼續下一步,就是通過 ruby 1.9.1 已內建的 rubygems 1.3.1 來安裝 rails 了,但是不料出現了錯誤,要求安裝 zlib。


$tar -xvzf ruby-zlib-0.6.0.tar.gz

$cd ruby-zlib-0.6.0/

$ ruby extconf.rb

checking for deflatereset() in -lz... no

checking for deflatereset() in -llibz... no

checking for deflatereset() in -lzlib... no

*** extconf.rb failed ***

could not create makefile due to some reason, probably lack of

necessary libraries and/or headers.  check the mkmf.log file for more

details.  you may need configuration options.

provided configuration options:
























呀呀的,google 去(習慣性思維了),被整蒙了,最後靜下心來看了看上面的錯誤資訊,呵呵,挺詳細的嘛!

於是$ruby extconf.rb--with-zlib-dir=/usr/local/zlib

看到 creating makefile 了,所以就放心地接著幹吧!


cd 放ruby的src的目錄/ext/zlib

$ruby extconf.rb--with-zlib-dir=/usr/local/zlib

$ sudo make

$ sudo make install



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