以上**中的條件use [spoofspam2]
go/****** object: storedprocedure [dbo].[getmessagelist] script date: 04/09/2013 18:00:34 ******/
set ansi_nulls on
goset quoted_identifier on
gocreate procedure [dbo].[getmessagelist]
@status_code varchar(20),
@kana_instance int = -1,
@message_type nvarchar(64),
@numrows int,
@datelimit int
as/* @@decommissioned due to performance issue on
d.status_code in (select c1 from func_splitstring(@status_code, ','))
--set transaction isolation level read uncommitted
select top (@numrows) d.message_detail_id, d.message_id, d.subject,
d.email_from, d.email_to, d.status_code, isnull(d.action_failed_times,0) action_failed_times,
d.score, c.body, c.headers, c.status, c.source, d.user_from_status,
d.site_id,t.action_id,ad.type,ad.value, ad.exclude_reply
from message_detail d with(readpast)
inner join message_clob c with(readpast) on d.message_detail_id= c.message_detail_id
left join message_tracking t with(readpast) on t.message_detail_id= c.message_detail_id
left join action_detail ad on t.action_id= ad.id
d.status_code in (select c1 from func_splitstring(@status_code, ','))
and (@kana_instance = -1 or d.kana_instance = @kana_instance )
and d.message_type = @message_type
and d.date_entered > dateadd(day,-@datelimit ,getdate())
and c.date_entered > dateadd(day,-@datelimit ,getdate())
--and d.email_to = 'pptest8@paypal.com' --test only, to be removed later; in kana104_dev is 'pptest8@paypal.com'; in stkana5_macro is 'spoof@paypal.com'
order by d.message_detail_id asc
*/ declare @sql nvarchar(max)
set @sql='
select top (' + convert(varchar(10),@numrows) + ') d.message_detail_id, d.message_id, d.subject,
d.email_from, d.email_to, d.status_code, isnull(d.action_failed_times,0) action_failed_times,
d.score, c.body, c.headers, c.status, c.source, d.user_from_status,
d.site_id,t.action_id,ad.type,ad.value, ad.exclude_reply
from message_detail d with(readpast)
inner join message_clob c with(readpast) on d.message_detail_id= c.message_detail_id
left join message_tracking t with(readpast) on t.message_detail_id= c.message_detail_id
left join action_detail ad on t.action_id= ad.id
d.status_code in (' + @status_code + ')
and d.message_type = ''' + @message_type + '''
and (' + convert(varchar(10),@kana_instance) + ' = -1 or d.kana_instance = ' + convert(varchar(10),@kana_instance) + ' )
and d.date_entered > dateadd(day,-' + convert(varchar(10),@datelimit) + ' ,getdate())
and c.date_entered > dateadd(day,-' + convert(varchar(10),@datelimit) + ' ,getdate())
order by d.message_detail_id asc
' exec(@sql)
d.status_code in (select c1 from func_splitstring(@status_code, ','))
會影響執行效能。不知為何,d.status_code的索引不起作用,導致資料返回很慢!貌似用函式的條件,sql server不會應用索引,哪怕是建了索引。
d.status_code in (' + @status_code + ')
SQL SERVER效能優化 查詢速度提高
近段時間去面試,很多都會問到關於sql語句優化及大資料量資料查詢速度提公升的問題,但是由於我個人之前開發都是一知半解的狀態,很多東西都沒能掌握明白,感覺自己就是菜鳥一枚,暈死,和朋友閒聊聊到查詢效率的提公升可以通過建立聚集索引分割槽。所以,就好好了解下這其中的原理。一.索引的概念 資料庫索引,是資料...
資料庫於週日被重啟了,剛好看看優化後的效果,順便再找找新的需要優化的sql 剛好找到了類似的幾條語句,如下 select from tablea where id not in select id from tableb 從執行時間20秒 70秒不等。開始分析 首先是否用上索引,兩個id均是主鍵所以...
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