因狗血的報表展現需求 需要根據每天的新增使用者數量 選取前5個渠道.然後把該渠道當月每一天的新增使用者資料繪製在圖表上
x軸是 日期 y軸是新增使用者數量 畫5條線. 這5條線是動態的,每天不同的線條.
資料經過後台統計後形成表 : statedate,channle_id,channle_name,new_user_num.
select statedate,
sum(case when channle_name='超市' then new_user_num end )as '超市',
sum(case when channle_name='專賣店' then new_user_num end )as '專賣店' ,
sum(case when channle_name='合作店' then new_user_num end )as '合作店' ,
sum(case when channle_name='網路** then new_user_num end) as '網路**',
sum(case when channle_name='直銷' then new_user_num end )as '直銷'
from table_name
group by staedate;
可channle_name='超市' 值是變動的呀!
with resu as
(select statedate,substr(to_char(statedate),7,2) as statedate_v, a.columnid,a.new_user_num,t.name,rownum as row_id
from oss_content_run_subs_colum_new a
left join ngoss_pdl.vw_dim_ss_column_base_info t on a.columnid=t.columnid
where a.statedate in
(select d.date_id from ngoss_edw.dim_date d where to_number(substr(to_char(d.date_id), 1, 6)) = to_number(to_char(sysdate-1,'yyyymm')))
and a.columnid in
(select columnid
(select columnid
from oss_colum_new
where statedate = 20120508
order by new_user_num desc
)where rownum<=5
)and a.statedate >=to_number(to_char(trunc(sysdate-1,'mm'),'yyyymmdd')) and a.statedate <= to_number(to_char(sysdate,'yyyymmdd'))
order by new_user_num desc
)select statedate_v,
sum( case when s.name=(select name from resu where row_id=5) then new_user_num end) as top1
sum ( case when s.name=(select name from resu where row_id=4) then new_user_num end) as top2,
sum ( case when s.name=(select name from resu where row_id=3) then new_user_num end) as top3,
sum ( case when s.name=(select name from resu where row_id=2) then new_user_num end) as top4,
sum ( case when s.name=(select name from resu where row_id=1) then new_user_num end) as top5
from resu s
group by statedate_v
---------------------------------- 改進----------------------
with resu as
(select statedate,substr(to_char(statedate),7,2) as statedate_v, a.columnid,a.new_user_num,t.name, rw as rankid
from oss_colum_new a
left join ngoss_pdl.vw_dim_ss_column_base_info t on a.columnid=t.columnid
inner join
(select columnid,rownum as rw
(select columnid
from oss_colum_new
where statedate = to_number(to_char(sysdate-1,'yyyymmdd'))
order by new_user_num desc
)where rownum<=5
)c on a.columnid=c.columnid
where a.statedate in
(select d.date_id from ngoss_edw.dim_date d
where to_number(substr(to_char(d.date_id), 1, 6)) = to_number(to_char(sysdate-1,'yyyymm'))
and a.statedate >=to_number(to_char(trunc(sysdate-1,'mm'),'yyyymmdd')) and a.statedate <= to_number(to_char(sysdate-1,'yyyymmdd'))
order by columnid,statedate
)select statedate_v,
sum ( case when s.name=(select name from resu r where rankid=1 and rownum=1) then new_user_num end) as top1,
sum ( case when s.name=(select name from resu r where rankid=2 and rownum=1) then new_user_num end) as top2,
sum ( case when s.name=(select name from resu r where rankid=3 and rownum=1) then new_user_num end) as top3,
sum ( case when s.name=(select name from resu r where rankid=4 and rownum=1) then new_user_num end) as top4,
sum ( case when s.name=(select name from resu r where rankid=5 and rownum=1) then new_user_num end) as top5
from resu s
group by statedate_v
order by statedate_v
解決返回多行的問題:select name from resu r where rankid=1 and rownum=1
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