'gripreport 連線語句 grid report 連線到的資料庫
public connectstringforgridreport as string = "provider=sqloledb.1;password=password;persist security info=true;user id=sa;initial catalog=dbname;data source=sql server;use procedure for prepare=1;auto translate=true;packet size=4096;workstation id=**pc003;use encryption for data=false;tag with column collation when possible=false"
定義:imports grprolib
private report0 as new gri***report
axgrdisplayviewer1.report = report0
report.detailgrid.fixcols = 2 '鎖定為兩行
addhandler report.fetchrecord, addressof ******employeequery '指標 + 位址 這一句可以不加
private structure matchfieldpairtype
public grfield as igrfield
public matchcolumnindex as integer
end structure '結構體
public shared sub fillrecordtoreport(byval report as igri***report, byval dt as datatable)
dim matchfieldpairs() as matchfieldpairtype
redim matchfieldpairs(math.min(report.detailgrid.recordset.fields.count, dt.columns.count))
dim matchfieldcount as integer
matchfieldcount = 0
dim i as integer
for i = 0 to dt.columns.count - 1
dim fld as igrfield
for each fld in report.detailgrid.recordset.fields
if string.compare(fld.name, dt.columns.item(i).columnname, true) = 0 then
matchfieldpairs(matchfieldcount).grfield = fld
matchfieldpairs(matchfieldcount).matchcolumnindex = i
matchfieldcount = matchfieldcount + 1
exit for
end if
next fld
'將 datatable 中的每一條記錄轉儲到grid++report 的資料集中去
dim dr as datarow
for each dr in dt.rows
for i = 0 to matchfieldcount - 1
if not dr.isnull(matchfieldpairs(i).matchcolumnindex) then
matchfieldpairs(i).grfield.value = dr.item(matchfieldpairs(i).matchcolumnindex)
end if
end sub 'datatable的gridreport的填充方式
public shared sub fillrecordtoreport(byval report as igri***report, byval dr as sqldatareader)
dim matchfieldpairs() as matchfieldpairtype
redim matchfieldpairs(math.min(report.detailgrid.recordset.fields.count, dr.fieldcount))
dim matchfieldcount as integer
matchfieldcount = 0
dim i as integer
for i = 0 to dr.fieldcount - 1
dim fld as igrfield
for each fld in report.detailgrid.recordset.fields
if string.compare(fld.runningdbfield, dr.getname(i), true) = 0 then
matchfieldpairs(matchfieldcount).grfield = fld
matchfieldpairs(matchfieldcount).matchcolumnindex = i
matchfieldcount = matchfieldcount + 1
exit for
end if
next fld
'loop through the contents of the oledbdatareader object.
'將 datareader 中的每一條記錄轉儲到grid++report 的資料集中去
for i = 0 to matchfieldcount - 1
if not dr.isdbnull(matchfieldpairs(i).matchcolumnindex) then
matchfieldpairs(i).grfield.value = dr.getvalue(matchfieldpairs(i).matchcolumnindex)
end if
end sub 'datareader的gridreport的填充方式
客戶端: 註冊
regsvr32 grdes50.dll
regsvr32 gregn50.dll
Grid Report實現Web報表
最早接觸報表是在機房收費系統中,那時候還是在c s模式下,所以可以直接在窗體上新增報表。而現在,已經轉戰b s模式下。本篇部落格將介紹如何實現web報表。需求說明 在我們的生活中,也是無處不在,清晰而有條理。在這次的專案中,也需要 在瀏覽器中直接列印報表 非ie列印 與匯出報表 讓使用者使用更安全。...
Grid Report 報表動態使用
1.使用報表設計器新增你要的記錄集和標題行 內容行等內容 2.載入時 gri report subreport new gri report 建立個報表物件 3.建立個構造類 private struct matchfieldpairtype 4.載入報表檔案並新增個fetchrecord 事件 s...
一 概述 交叉報表 是行 列方向都有分組的報表。表頭是由上表頭和左表頭組成,從形式上來看,有點類似於數學上的二維數列,橫縱兩列 i,j 兩個座標共同決定了乙個數值。我們的目標就是 將 資料集展現形式 為 轉化成 報表需要的展現形式 姓名 分數日期 200905 200906 張三3.6 200905...