
2021-06-01 18:21:17 字數 2912 閱讀 5924

#include "stdafx.h"  

#include #include#include #includeusing namespace std;

dword g_arlist[1024];

int g_nlistcnt;

handle g_hprocess;

bool writememory(dword dwaddr, dword dwvalue);

void showlist(void);

bool compareapage(dword dwbaseaddr, dword dwvalue);

bool findnext(dword dwvalue);

bool findfirst(dword dwvalue);

bool findfirst(dword dwvalue)

dword dwbase;

osversioninfo vi = ;


if (ver_platform_win32_windows == vi.dwplatformid)


for (; dwbase < 2 * dwonegb; dwbase += dwonepage)

return true;

} bool compareapage(dword dwbaseaddr, dword dwvalue)

dword* pdw = null;

int i = 0;

for (i = 0;i < (int)4 * 1024 -3; i++)

g_arlist[g_nlistcnt++] = dwbaseaddr + i;

} }

return true;

} void showlist(void)

} bool findnext(dword dwvalue)

} }

return bret;

} bool writememory(dword dwaddr, dword dwvalue)

bool getdebugpriv()

if ( ! lookupprivilegevalue( null, se_debug_name, &sedebugnamevalue ) )

tkp.privilegecount = 1;

tkp.privileges[0].luid = sedebugnamevalue;

tkp.privileges[0].attributes = se_privilege_enabled;

if (!adjusttokenprivileges( htoken, false, &tkp, sizeof tkp, null, null ) )

return true;

}int main(int argc, char* argv)

// set the size of the structure before using it.

pe32.dwsize = sizeof( processentry32 );

// retrieve information about the first process,

// and exit if unsuccessful

if( !process32first( hprocesssnap, &pe32 ) )

char proname = "memtest.exe";

// now walk the snapshot of processes, and

// display information about each process in turn

while( process32next( hprocesssnap, &pe32 ) )

if(strcmp(proname,pe32.szexefile) != 0)



////printf( "\n process id = 0x%08x", pe32.th32processid );

//printf( "\n thread count = %d", pe32.cntthreads );

//printf( "\n parent process id = 0x%08x", pe32.th32parentprocessid );

//printf( "\n priority base = %d", pe32.pcpriclassbase );

//if( dwpriorityclass )

// printf( "\n priority class = %d", dwpriorityclass );

list the modules and threads associated with this process

} //terminateprocess(hprocess, 0);

g_hprocess = hprocess;

dword dwv = ivalue;


dword dwaddr = g_arlist[0];

dword dwvalue = 1000;

for (int i = 1; i < g_nlistcnt; i++)


closehandle( hprocesssnap );


return 1;

} 程式流程,首先是提高操作許可權,然後遍歷所有的程序找到要操作的程序,然後在該程序中搜尋要修改的變數的值,得到包含該值的所有記憶體位址,


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