1. 官網
2. 一些資源
an article about developing ping using wtl
3. readme.html from wtl80
q: vc++6可以使用wtl wizard嗎?
a: wtl70裡有wizard60,可使用
4. playing sample code from within vc++6
q: how to do it ?
e:/software-repository/vc/wtl80_7161_final/include/atlframe.h(405) : error c2146: syntax error : missing ';' before identifier 'lpnm'
e:/software-repository/vc/wtl80_7161_final/include/atlframe.h(1155) : see reference to class template instantiation 'wtl::cframewindowimplbase' being compiled
e:/software-repository/vc/wtl80_7161_final/include/atlframe.h(405) : error c2501: 'lpnmrebarchevron' : missing storage-class or type specifiers
e:/software-repository/vc/wtl80_7161_final/include/atlframe.h(1155) : see reference to class template instantiation 'wtl::cframewindowimplbase' being compiled
e:/software-repository/vc/wtl80_7161_final/include/atlframe.h(405) : error c2501: 'lpnm' : missing storage-class or type specifiers
5. 使用wtl70的wizard,成功!
* 11:44,目前狀態:
d:/study/wtl/wtl70/include/atlframe.h(274) : error c2146: syntax error : missing ';' before identifier 'lpnm'
d:/study/wtl/wtl70/include/atlframe.h(905) : see reference to class template instantiation 'wtl::cframewindowimplbase' being compiled
d:/study/wtl/wtl70/include/atlframe.h(274) : error c2501: 'lpnmrebarchevron' : missing storage-class or type specifiers
d:/study/wtl/wtl70/include/atlframe.h(905) : see reference to class template instantiation 'wtl::cframewindowimplbase' being compiled
d:/study/wtl/wtl70/include/atlframe.h(274) : error c2501: 'lpnm' : missing storage-class or type specifiers
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