deptid paredeptid name
number number char (40 byte)
部門id 父部門id(所屬部門id) 部門名稱
select * from persons.dept start with deptid=76 connect by prior paredeptid=deptid
select * from persons.dept start with deptid=76 connect by prior paredeptid=deptid
select * from persons.dept start with paredeptid=0 connect by prior deptid=paredeptid
select * from persons.dept start with paredeptid=0 connect by prior deptid=paredeptid
可通過level 關鍵字查詢所在層次.
select a.*,level from persons.dept a start with paredeptid=0 connect by prior deptid=paredeptid
select a.*,level from persons.dept a start with paredeptid=0 connect by prior deptid=paredeptid
再次複習一下:start with ...connect by 的用法,start with 後面所跟的就是就是遞迴的種子。
遞迴的種子也就是遞迴開始的地方connect by 後面的"prior" 如果預設:則只能查詢到符合條件的起始行,並不進行遞迴查詢;
connect by prior 後面所放的字段是有關係的,它指明了查詢的方向。
練習: 通過子節點獲得頂節點
select first_value(deptid) over (order by level desc rows unbounded preceding) as firstdeptid from persons.dept start with deptid=76 connect by prior paredeptid=deptid
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