from xml.sax.handler import contenthandler
from xml.sax import parse
import os
class pagemaker(contenthandler):
passthrough = false #判斷是否為新檔案
directory = '' #當前目錄
def startelement(self, name, attrs):
if name == 'page':
self.passthrough = true #設定為新檔案
self.out = open(self.directory + attrs['name'] + '.html', 'w') #開啟或者建立新檔案
elif name == 'directory': #判斷是否為目錄
if not os.path.exists(attrs['name']): #判斷此目錄是否存在
os.mkdir(attrs['name']) #建立目錄
self.directory = attrs['name'] + '\\'
elif self.passthrough:
self.out.write('<' + name) #定義標籤
for key, val in attrs.items(): #定義屬性
self.out.write(' %s="%s"' % (key, val))
def endelement(self, name):
if name == 'page':
self.passthrough = false #檔案結束
elif self.passthrough: #設定關閉標籤
self.out.write('' % name)
def characters(self, chars): #輸出文字內容
if self.passthrough : self.out.write(chars)
parse('website.xml', pagemaker())
建立xml 檔案 website.xml
hi. there. my name is mr. gumby, and this is my home page. here are some of my interests;
python 生成xml檔案
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