<?xml version="1.0" ?>sample xml thing
ma xiaoju
springs widgets, inc.
i think widgets are greate.you should buy lots of them forom
spirngy widgts, inc
from xml.dom import minidom, nodedoc = minidom.document()
#generate the book
book = doc.createelement('book')
#the title
title = doc.createelement('title')
#the author section
author = doc.createelement("author")
name = doc.createelement('name')
firstname = doc.createelement('first')
lastname = doc.createelement('last')
affiliation = doc.createelement("affiliation")
#the chapter
chapter = doc.createelement('chapter')
chapter.setattribute('number', '1')
title = doc.createelement('title')
para = doc.createelement('para')
you should buy lots of them forom"))
company = doc.createelement('company')
print doc.toprettyxml()
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