
2021-05-27 15:52:03 字數 1601 閱讀 7049

1、 表結構和測試資料插入


-- create table

create table tab_fxhs

( id varchar2(32),

zt varchar2(2)

);-- add comments to the table

comment on table tab_fxhs

is '用於統計狀態值全為正常的id值';

-- add comments to the columns

comment on column tab_fxhs.id

is '主鍵id';

comment on column tab_fxhs.zt

is '狀態';


prompt importing table tab_fxhs...

set feedback off

set define off

insert into tab_fxhs (id, zt)values ('10125', '0');

insert into tab_fxhs (id, zt)values ('10161', '0');

insert into tab_fxhs (id, zt)values ('10141', '0');

insert into tab_fxhs (id, zt)values ('10126', '1');

insert into tab_fxhs (id, zt)values ('10102', '0');

insert into tab_fxhs (id, zt)values ('10103', '0');

insert into tab_fxhs (id, zt)values ('10121', '0');

insert into tab_fxhs (id, zt)values ('10121', '1');

insert into tab_fxhs (id, zt)values ('10121', '0');

insert into tab_fxhs (id, zt)values ('10121', '3');

prompt done.

2、 功能需求說明



3、 功能實現的sql語句

with zt_partition_by_id as

(select id, zt, count(zt) over(partition by id order by id) id_zt

from tab_fxhs

group by id, zt)

select *

from zt_partition_by_id

where id_zt = 1

and zt = 1;

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