option explicit
private declare function openprocess lib "kernel32" (byval _
dwdesiredaccess as long, byval binherithandle as long, _
byval dwprocessid as long) as long
private declare function waitforsingleobject lib "kernel32" _
(byval hhandle as long, byval dwmilliseconds as long) _
as long
private const infinite = -1&
private const synchronize = &h100000
private declare function inet_addr lib "wsock32.dll" (byval s as string) as long
private declare function sendarp lib "iphlpapi.dll" (byval destip as long, byval srcip as long, pmacaddr as long, phyaddrlen as long) as long
private declare sub copymemory1 lib "kernel32" alias "rtlmovememory" (dst as any, src as any, byval bcount as long)
public function getremotemacaddress(byval sremoteip as string)
dim dwremoteip as long
dim pmacaddr as long
dim bpmacaddr() as byte
dim phyaddrlen as long
dim cnt as long
dim tmp as string
'convert the string ip into
'an unsigned long value containing
'a suitable binary representation
'of the internet address given
dwremoteip = inet_addr(sremoteip)
if dwremoteip <> 0 then
'set phyaddrlen to 6
phyaddrlen = 6
'retrieve the remote mac address
on error resume next
if sendarp(dwremoteip, 0&, pmacaddr, phyaddrlen) = 0 then
'getremotemacaddress = pmacaddr
'exit function
if pmacaddr <> 0 and phyaddrlen <> 0 then
'returned value is a long pointer
'to the mac address, so copy data
'to a byte array
redim bpmacaddr(0 to phyaddrlen - 1)
copymemory1 bpmacaddr(0), pmacaddr, byval phyaddrlen
'loop through array to build string
for cnt = 0 to phyaddrlen - 1
if bpmacaddr(cnt) = 0 then
tmp = tmp & "00-"
if len(hex$(bpmacaddr(cnt))) = 1 then
tmp = tmp & "0" & hex$(bpmacaddr(cnt)) & "-"
tmp = tmp & hex$(bpmacaddr(cnt)) & "-"
end if
end if
'remove the trailing dash
'added above and return true
if len(tmp) > 0 then
'sremotemacaddress = left$(tmp, len(tmp) - 1)
getremotemacaddress = left$(tmp, len(tmp) - 1)
end if
exit function
getremotemacaddress = false
end if
getremotemacaddress = false
end if 'sendarp
getremotemacaddress = false
end if 'dwremoteip
end function
1,定義函式 function getipmac computername dim objwmiservice,colitems,objitem,objaddress set objwmiservice getobject winmgmts computername root cimv2 set c...
delphi 實現通過ip位址獲取mac位址
function sendarp ipaddr ulong temp dword ulmacaddr pointer ulmacaddrleng pointer dword stdcall external iphlpapi.dll name sendarp function getmacbyip ...
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