史上最適用的最直觀的CSS Hack參考手冊

2021-05-26 14:38:38 字數 2738 閱讀 3075

把下面的**儲存為html, 然後在不同的瀏覽器中開啟, 則css hack一目了然. 試一下你就知道了.

當然可能大師在總結這個列表的時候,一些瀏覽器還沒有出來,比如ie9, chrome12等等, 所以部分結論可能對這些最新的瀏覽器不成立。


red if* html

matches in this browser. [ie6 and below ]

red if*:first-child+htmlmatches in this browser. [ie7]

red ifhtml>bodymatches in this browser [ie7, ff. saf, opera]

red ifhtml>/**/bodymatches in this browser. [ie8, ff, saf, opera (everything but ie 6,7)]

red ifhtml:first-childmatches in this browser. [opera 9.27 and below, safari 2]

red ifhtml[xmlns*=""] body:last-childmatches in this browser. [safari 2-3]

red ifbody:nth-of-type(1)matches in this browser. [safari 3+, chrome 1+, opera9+, ff 3.5+]

red ifdiv:nth-of-type(1n)matches in this browser. [safari 3+, chrome 1+, opera9+, ff 3.5+]

red ifbody:first-of-typematches in this browser. [safari 3+, chrome 1+, opera9+, ff 3.5+]

red if@media screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio:0)matches in this browser. [saf3+, chrome1+ ]

red ifhtml[xmlns*=""]:rootmatches in this browser. [safari 2 - 3.1]

red if*|html[xmlns*=""]matches in this browser. [safari 2 - 3.1, opera 9.25]

red if:root *>matches in this browser. [everything but ie6-8]

red if*+htmlmatches in this browser. [ie7]

red if* >matches in this browser. [opera 9+, chrome2+, saf4+, ff3.5+]

red ifhtml:only-childmatches in this browser. [opera 9+, chrome2+, saf4+, ff3.0+, assumes attribute/value on html tag]

red if@media all and (min-width: 0px)matches in this browser. [opera 9+, chrome2+, saf4+, ff3.5+]

red ifhtml:lang(en)>bodymatches in this browser. [firefox only. 1+]

red ifbody:nth-of-type(1)matches in this browser. [firefox 3.0+]

red ifx:-moz-any-linkmatches in this browser. [unknown ---hides from ie6---]

red ifx:-moz-any-link, x:defaultmatches in this browser. [unknown]

blue ifdivmatches in this browser. [ie6]

blue ifdivmatches in this browser. [ie6, ie7]

blue ifdivmatches in this browser. [ie6, ie7]

blue ifdivmatches in this browser. [everything but ie6]

blue ifdivmatches in this browser. [ie6, ie7, ie8]

blue ifdivmatches in this browser. [ie7, ie8]

blue ifdivmatches in this browser. [ie6, ie7 -- acts as an !important, string after ! can be anything]

史上最適用的最直觀的CSS Hack參考手冊

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