sub prime(byval n as long, byref prime() as long)
redim prime(5761495) '10^8以內的素數個數
dim a() as byte, i as long, temp as long, half as long, p as long, pcount as long, mytime as long, k as integer
mytime = timer '計時
half = n / 2
redim a(1 to half)
'the first 10 prime
prime(0) = 2
prime(1) = 3
prime(2) = 5
prime(3) = 7
prime(4) = 11
prime(5) = 13
prime(6) = 17
prime(7) = 19
prime(8) = 23
prime(9) = 29
pcount = 9
p = 3
do while p * p <= n
temp = p * p
for i = temp to n step 2 * p 'p的倍數
a(i / 2) = 1 '設為1表示棄去
p = p + 2
if a(p / 2) = 1 then goto again
dim s(7) as byte
s(0) = 0
s(1) = 3
s(2) = 5
s(3) = 6
s(4) = 8
s(5) = 9
s(6) = 11
s(7) = 14
for i = 15 to half step 15
for j = 0 to 7
temp = i + s(j)
if temp > half then exit for: exit for
if a(temp) = 0 then
pcount = pcount + 1
prime(pcount) = 2 * temp + 1 '賦值
end if
redim preserve prime(pcount) '重設定陣列大小節省空間
debug.print "n=" & n & ",prime count=" & pcount & ", the calulating time is " & timer - mytime & " s"
end sub
private sub command1_click()
dim p() as long
dim i as long
for i = 2 to 8
prime 10 ^ i, p
end sub
返回:n=100,prime count=25, the calulating time is 0.0000 seconds.
n=1000,prime count=168, the calulating time is 0.0000 seconds.
n=10000,prime count=1229, the calulating time is 0.0000 seconds.
n=100000,prime count=9592, the calulating time is 0.0002 seconds.
n=1000000,prime count=78498, the calulating time is 0.2269 seconds.
n=10000000,prime count=664579, the calulating time is 2.0719 seconds.
n=100000000,prime count=5761455, the calulating time is 15.2344 seconds.
素數的快速列舉 三
在 文章中,對小素數的列舉進行了 今天發現,由於小素數的倍數比較多,過濾所用時間較長。所以先對奇數進行初步過濾,可以達到提速的效果,繼續改進如下 private sub command1 click dim p as long dim i as long for i 2 to 8 prime 10 ...
大於等於5的素數與6的倍數相鄰 所有自然數可以用集合a 表示,其中n 0,顯然,子集b 內的元素都不是素數,所以只有6n 1和6n 5可能是素數,素數一定可以用6n 1和6n 5其中的一個形式表示,即大於等於5的素數與6的倍數相鄰 上面說到大於或等於5的素數一定可以用6n 1或者6n 5來表示,在判...
第一次寫部落格,紀念我轉行2星期。昨天晚上刷codewar的題目,心血來潮想能不能用歐幾里得篩法重新做快速素數判斷方法呢?這個方法雖然說空間複雜度要遠遠高於試除法。voidgenerateprime intn loop for primelist index 0 primelist index pr...
查詢特定的合數 求素數 列舉
時間限制 1 sec 記憶體限制 128 mb 題目描述 自然數中除了能被1和本身整除外,還能被其他數整除的數叫合數。每個合數都可以寫成幾個質數相乘的形式,這幾個質數都叫做這個合數的質因數。比如8 2 2 2,2就是8的質因數。在1 n n 200000 按從小到大順序排列的自然數序列中,查詢第m個...
今天在東華oj上做了一道題,基礎部分第40題 分拆素數和,涉及到素數。我覺得題目不難,我是這樣寫的 t40 分拆素數和 演算法概述 對於一個偶數num,從2到num 2 1依次測試拆分是否滿足要求 include include 判斷是否為素數 int isprim int x return 1 i...