set ansi_nulls on
set quoted_identifier on
goalter procedure [dbo].[searchvague]
(@description varchar(1000),
@descriptionlength int,
@pagenumber tinyint,
@productsperpage tinyint,
@howmanyresults smallint output)as
/*create the table variable that will contain the search results*/
declare @products table
(rownumber smallint identity(1,1) not null,
productid int,
name varchar(50),
description varchar(1000),
price money,
image1filename varchar(50),
image2filename varchar(50)
)insert into @products
select productid,name,substring(description,1,@descriptionlength)+'...' as description,
from product
select productid,name,substring(description,1,@descriptionlength)+'...' as description,
from @products
where name like '%'+@description+'%'
and rownumber between (@pagenumber-1)*@productsperpage+1
and @pagenumber*@productsperpage
oracle 儲存過程模糊查詢
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