if exists(select 1 from sysobjects where name = 'getnewscount' and type = 'p')
drop proc getnewscount
gocreate procedure getnewscount
@title nvarchar
asselect count(*) from cdt_news_news where title like '%'+@title+'%'
goselect count(*) from cdt_news_news where title like '%北京%'
exec getnewscount 北京
--這樣寫查詢出來的話 是錯誤的結果。
if exists(select 1 from sysobjects where name = 'getnewscount' and type = 'p')
drop proc getnewscount
gocreate procedure getnewscount
@title nvarchar
asselect count(*) from cdt_news_news where title like '%'+@title+'%'
goselect count(*) from cdt_news_news where title like '%北京%'
exec getnewscount '北京'
if exists(select 1 from sysobjects where name = 'getnewscount' and type = 'p')
drop proc getnewscount
gocreate procedure getnewscount
@title varchar(200)
asselect count(*) from cdt_news_news where title like '%'+@title+'%'
goselect count(*) from cdt_news_news where title like '%北京%'
exec getnewscount 北京
if exists(select * from sysobjects where name='getnewsbypage' and type='p')
drop proc getnewsbypage
gocreate proc getnewsbypage
@title varchar(300),--要查詢的標題
@pageviewcount int,--這個是頁面顯示的條數
@pagesize int --這個當前頁
asdeclare @tempnews table
(tempid int identity,
newsid int
)declare @maxrows int
set @maxrows=@pageviewcount * @pagesize--這個可以顯示到多少行
set rowcount @maxrows
insert into @tempnews(newsid)
select id from cdt_news_news where title like '%'+@title+'%' order by addtime desc
set rowcount @pageviewcount
select n.title,n.id,n.infile,n.f_name,n.addtime from @tempnews t inner join cdt_news_news n
on t.newsid=n.id where tempid>(@pagesize-1)*@pageviewcount
set rowcount 0
exec getnewsbypage 北京,10,1 --這個就正確了!!
以學生資訊表為例 一 建立分頁儲存過程 create proc proc findstudentsplitpage 宣告引數 pagesize int,每頁記錄數 輸入引數 curpage int,當前是第幾頁 輸入引數 totalpage int out,總頁數 輸出引數 totalcount i...
環境sql server 2008 查詢器 create proc lyf a hto nvarchar 50 null asselect ordponumer from orderline like n hto go執行 exec lyf a 洛陽 查詢字段結果很多?的資訊 我用查詢語句測試 se...
set ansi nulls on set quoted identifier on goalter procedure dbo searchvague description varchar 1000 descriptionlength int,pagenumber tinyint,product...