usage: [options]
-h, --help show this help message
-v, --version show version information
-- stop processing options
-d[=] set a system property
-d, --bootdir=set the boot patch directory; must be absolute or url
-p, --patchdir=set the patch directory; must be absolute or url
-n, --netboot=boot from net with the given url as base
-c, --configuration=set the server configuration name
-b, --bootlib=add an extra library to the front bootclasspath
-l, --library=add an extra library to the loaders classpath
-c, --classpath=add an extra url to the loaders classpath
-p, --properties=load system properties from the given url
-b, --host=bind address for all jboss services
-g, --partition=ha partition name (default=defaultdomain)
-u, --udp=udp multicast address
-l, --log=specify the logger plugin type
通過啟動選項可以設定很多引數,例如在jboss4.2中,伺服器預設繫結位址是localhost,若不加啟動選項 --host
JBOSS服務的啟動 停止
jboss home以及 jboss home 為jboss在linux win下安裝的路徑,如果配置了,直接照樣引用即可。啟動 1 for linux jboss home bin 2 for win jboss home bin run.bat 關閉 停止 1 for linux ...
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windows 啟動選項修改
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