#!/usr/bin/perl -wuse dbi;
use lwp::****** qw(get);
# $driver="mysql";
$dbh=dbi->connect("dbi:mysql:csunet:localhost","root","")||die"can not connect database";
# 產生當天日期
$year = (gmtime time)[5] + 1900;
$month = (gmtime time)[4] + 1;
$date = (gmtime time)[3];
$today = $year."-".$month."-".$date;
$sql = "select phone from duty_info where riqi='" .$today. "'";
$sth=$dbh->prepare($sql) || die "occur an error when query database!";
if($numrows == 1)
print "滿足條件的數為: $numrows /n";
print $today;
print "/n";
print $sql;
print "/n";
exit 0;
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