1. pseudo-hashes are deprecated
the "pseudo-hashes are deprecated" error means you're trying to access an array as a hash, which means that either$data->
is an arrayref.
2. defined 解釋
用於判斷變數是否為 undef,未定義, 不能用於陣列和hash
many folks tend to overusedefined
and are then surprised todiscover that the number0
(the zero-length string) are, in fact,defined values.
(the zero-length string 用 if () 來判斷即可
3. or || 和 and &&的區別
本身沒有區別,習慣問題 ,但是有時候牽涉到運算子優先順序的問題,結果會不同
left &
left | ^
left &&
left || //
nonassoc .. ...
right ?:
right = += -= *= etc.
left , =>
nonassoc list operators (rightward)
right not
left and
left or xor
usr bin perl w use dbi use lwp qw get driver mysql dbh dbi connect dbi mysql csunet localhost root die can not connect database 產生當天日期 year gmtime tim...
總結 Perl技巧
1.perl超時機制eval sub alarm 10 my startcmdresult qx tmpcmd alarm 0 if timeout 2.忽略sigchld訊號,避免產生殭屍程序 sig ignore 3.等待 sub show flower print r local 0 4.pe...
Perl語言總結 3
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