option explicit
public errormsg as string
private sub class_initialize()
errormsg = vbnullstring
end sub
public function writestring(inifilename as string, section as string, key as string, value as string) as boolean
writestring = false
errormsg = vbnullstring
if inifilename = "" then
errormsg = "ini file has not been specifyed!"
exit function
end if
if writeprivateprofilestring(section, key, value, inifilename) = 0 then
errormsg = "failed to write to the ini file!"
exit function
end if
writestring = true
end function
public function readstring(inifilename as string, section as string, key as string, size as long) as string
dim returnstr as string
dim returnlng as long
errormsg = vbnullstring
readstring = vbnullstring
if inifilename = "" then
errormsg = "ini file has not been specifyed!"
exit function
end if
returnstr = space(size)
returnlng = getprivateprofilestring(section, key, vbnullstring, returnstr, size, inifilename)
readstring = left(returnstr, returnlng)
end function
public function readint(inifilename as string, section as string, key as string) as long
dim returnlng as long
readint = 0
errormsg = vbnullstring
if inifilename = "" then
errormsg = "ini file has not been specifyed!"
exit function
end if
returnlng = getprivateprofileint(section, key, 0, inifilename)
if returnlng = 0 then
returnlng = getprivateprofileint(section, key, 1, inifilename)
if returnlng = 1 then
errormsg = "can not read the ini file!"
exit function
end if
end if
readint = returnlng
end function
讀取ini檔案 ini ini new ini using system using system.text using system.runtime.interopservices namespace qf public string path 引用動態連線庫方法 dllimport kernel...
自定義讀取ini檔案中的內容方法 鍵 值 private string contentvalue string section,string key 寫入ini檔案 節點名稱 如 typename 鍵 值 檔案路徑 dllimport kernel32 private static extern l...
1.得到當前根目錄 import os 2.ini檔案組成 注釋內容 section部分 key value 多個 section 部分 可以有多個,但section不可重複 key value 多個 3.讀取ini檔案 3.1獲取ini檔案路徑 3.2匯入 configparser 3.3 先獲得...