PL SQL 綜合複習題之答案 2

2021-04-12 17:59:02 字數 4324 閱讀 2997

pl/sql 綜合複習題之答案(2)


--1create table a_location

(loc_id number(5) primary key,

loc_name varchar(20)

);insert into a_location values(01001,'buildinga');

insert into a_location values(01005,'buildingb');

insert into a_location values(01006,'buildingc');

create table a_dept

(dept_id number(5) primary key,

dept_name varchar2(20),

loc_id number(5)

);alter table

a_dept add constraint fk1 foreign key (loc_id)

references a_location(loc_id);

insert into a_dept values(001,'hr',01005);

insert into a_dept values(002,'admin',01001);

insert into a_dept values(003,'tr',01005);

insert into a_dept values(004,'marketing',01005);

insert into a_dept values(005,'it',01001);

create table a_emp

(emp_id number(5) primary key,

emp_name varchar2(20),

emp_salary number(6),

dept_id number(5)


alter table a_emp add constraint a foreign key(dept_id) references a_dept(dept_id);

insert into a_emp values(00101,'aaron',4200,'005');

insert into a_emp values(00203,'clara',3600,'002');

insert into a_emp values(00507,'chris',2500,'005');

insert into a_emp values(00045,'sam',1500,'005');

insert into a_emp values(00406,'jack',2200,'004');

--2create or replace procedure p_emp

is--my_exception exception;

cursor c_emp is select d.loc_id,count(e.emp_id) from a_emp e,a_dept d

where e.dept_id=d.dept_id and loc_id in (select loc_id from a_location) group by loc_id;

v_loc a_location.loc_id%type;

v_num number;


open c_emp;



fetch c_emp into v_loc,v_num;

exit when c_emp%notfound;

dbms_output.put_line(v_loc||'    '||v_num);   

end loop;  


--raise my_exception;            


--when my_exception then



[select d.loc_id,count(e.emp_id) from a_emp e,a_dept d

where e.dept_id=d.dept_id and loc_id in (select loc_id from a_location) group by loc_id;]

--3create or replace function f_add_emp(f_emp_id number,f_add_sal number)

return number

isv_sum_sal number;


update a_emp set emp_salary=emp_salary*f_add_sal+emp_salary where emp_id=f_emp_id;

select emp_salary into v_sum_sal from a_emp where emp_id=f_emp_id ;

return v_sum_sal;


create or replace procedure p_emp(p_dname varchar2)

isv_empid a_emp.emp_id%type;

v_sal a_emp.emp_salary%type;

v_emp_sal a_emp.emp_salary%type;

v_n number;

cursor c_emp is select e.emp_id,e.emp_salary from a_emp e,a_dept d where e.dept_id=d.dept_id and d.dept_name=p_dname;

v_dept_sum_sal number;


open c_emp;


fetch c_emp into v_empid,v_sal;

exit when c_emp%notfound;



end if;

if (v_sal>2000 or v_sal<=3000)then


end if; 

if (v_sal >3000 or v_sal<=5000)then


end if; 

if (v_sal>5000)then


end if;  


end loop;

select sum(emp_salary) into v_dept_sum_sal from a_emp e,a_dept d where e.dept_id=d.dept_id and d.dept_name=p_dname;



[select e.emp_id,e.emp_salary from a_emp e,a_dept d where e.dept_id=d.dept_id and d.dept_name='it';]

--4create table emp_sal

(emp_id number,

emp_old_sal varchar2(20),

emp_new_sal varchar2(20)

);create or replace trigger t_emp_sal

before update of emp_salary on a_emp for each row


insert into emp_sal values(:old.emp_id,:old.emp_salary,:new.emp_salary);


--5select b.dept_id,count(a.emp_id)*500 from a_emp a,a_dept b

where a.dept_id=b.dept_id and b.loc_id=(select loc_id from a_location where loc_name='buildinga')group by b.dept_id;

[select count(a.emp_id),b.dept_id from a_emp a,a_dept b where a.dept_id=b.dept_id group by b.dept_id;]

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1 指令mov ah,86h中的立即數是儲存在 中。我的答案 b得分 12.5分2 要將暫存器ax清0,可以使用以下指令 我的答案 d得分 12.5分3 將al第7 0位置1其他位不變,可以使用以下指令 我的答案 b得分 12.5分4 8位補碼93h要擴充套件成16位補碼應該是 這樣其真值才不變。我...

組原綜合複習 題目驅動

1.滑鼠適用於用中斷方式來實現輸入操作。鍵盤滑鼠等輸入裝置一般都採用中斷方式來實現,原因在於 cpu 需要及時響應這些操作,否則容易造成輸入的丟失。2.某磁碟轉速為 10000r min 平均尋道時間是6ms,磁碟傳輸速率是 20mb s 磁碟控制器延遲為 0.2ms,讀取乙個 4kb 的扇區所需要...