SQL 排序的解決方案

2021-04-07 13:06:36 字數 1455 閱讀 5192



a1 b1 空 空

a1 b1 空 d1

a1 b1 c1 空


a1 b1 空 空

a1 b1 c1 空

a1 b1 空 d1



*/declare @t table

(a char(10),

b char(10),

c char(10),

d char(10)

)insert into @t

select 'a1','b1','','' union all

select 'a1','b1','','d1' union all

select 'a1','b1','c1','' union all

select 'a1','b1','',''

select a,b,c,d from @t where c=''and d=''

union all

select a,b,c,d from @t where c<>''

union all

select a,b,c,d from @t where d<>''


測試資料 */

drop table times

create table times(id int,times datetime)


insert into times

select 1,'2006-08-20 18:00:01'

union all        

select 2,'2006-08-20 18:00:01'

union all        

select 2,'2006-08-20 18:01:01'

union all        

select 3,'2006-08-20 18:00:01'

union all        

select 3,'2006-08-20 18:01:01'

union all        

select 4,'2006-08-20 18:00:01'

union all        

select 4,'2006-08-20 18:01:01'

union all        

select 1,'2006-08-20 13:00:01'


select * from times

select distinct * from (select id ,times=(select min(times) from times where times<=a.times and datediff(minute,times,a.times)<=1)

from times a) b




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