大家都知道,當您在命令列中鍵入「dir」指令後,系統都會讀出乙個稱作serial number的十六進製制數字。這個數字理論上有上億種可能,而且很難同時找到兩個序列號一樣的硬碟。這就是我這種註冊方法的理論依據,通過判斷指定磁碟的序列號決定該機器的註冊號。
private declare function getvolumeinformation& lib "kernel32" _
alias "getvolumeinformationa" (byval lprootpathname as string, _
byval pvolumenamebuffer as string, byval nvolumenamesize as long, _
lpvolumeserialnumber as long, lpmaximumcomponentlength as long, _
lpfilesystemflags as long, byval lpfilesystemnamebuffer as string, _
byval nfilesystemnamesize as long)
private const max_filename_len = 256
public function driveserial(byval sdrv as string) as long
'dim ds as long
'ds = driveserial("c")
dim retval as long
dim str as string * max_filename_len
dim str2 as string * max_filename_len
dim a as long
dim b as long
getvolumeinformation sdrv & ":/", str, max_filename_len, retval, _
a, b, str2, max_filename_len
driveserial = retval
end function
public function isvalidate(byval src as long, byval value as string) as boolean
dim sourcestring as string
dim newsrc as long
for i = 0 to 30
if (src and 2 ^ i) = 2 ^ i then
sourcestring = sourcestring + "1"
sourcestring = sourcestring + "0"
end if
next i
if src < 0 then
sourcestring = sourcestring + "1"
sourcestring = sourcestring + "0"
end if
dim table as string
dim tableindex as integer
table = "jsdjfkluwruoisdh;ksadjklwq;abcdefhihl;kladshkjagfwiherqowrlqh"
dim result as string
dim midword as string
dim midwordvalue as byte
dim resultvalue as byte
for t = 1 to 1
for i = 1 to len(sourcestring)
midword = mid(sourcestring, i, 1)
midwordvalue = asc(midword)
tableindex = tableindex + 1
if tableindex > len(table) then tableindex = 1
resultvalue = asc(mid(table, tableindex, 1)) mod midwordvalue
result = result + hex(resultvalue)
next i
sourcestring = result
next t
dim bittorool as integer
for t = 1 to len(cstr(src))
bittorool = src and 2 ^ t
for i = 1 to bittorool
sourcestring = right(sourcestring, 1) _
+ left(sourcestring, len(sourcestring) - 1)
next i
next t
if sourcestring = value then isvalidate = true
end function
基於硬碟序列號的軟體加密與解密 部分源 如下所示 在 oninitdialog 函式中初始化客戶號 dword volumeserialnumber getvolumeinformation c null,12,volumeserialnumber,null,null,null,10 char pn...
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VC 中利用磁碟序列號識別正版軟體
vc 中利用磁碟序列號識別正版軟體 2007年06月23日 星期六 上午 11 37 摘要 本文講述了獲取磁碟序列號的方法,並利用所讀取的磁碟序列號來作為甄別正版 關鍵字 磁碟序列號 正版軟體 識別 一 引言 作為程式設計師,不希望看到自己辛辛苦苦編制的軟體被盜版,雖然國家為了打擊盜版和保護智財權出...