國產DM資料庫實用SQL 隨時更新

2022-09-19 03:18:12 字數 1290 閱讀 6804


create tablespace test datafile '/opt/dmdbms/data/dameng/gsptest.dbf' size 256;


create user test identified by 123456789 default tablespace test ;


create schema test authorization user;


grant dba,resource to test ;


select * from v$version;


select * from v$systeminfo;


select * from v$sessions;

select count(*),state from v$sessions group by state;

select count(*),clnt_ip from v$sessions group by clnt_ip;


select * from v$dm_ini;


dexp.exe test/123456789@ip file=c:\20191030.dmp log=c:\20191030.txt

#還原dimp.exe test/123456789@ip fromuser=test touser=test file=c:\20191030.dmp log=c:\201910302.txt


select table_name from information_schema.tables where table_schema = 『test』;

#獲取當前登入使用者schame下指定表 表結構資訊

select * from user_tab_columns where table_name=『abctest』


select uc.table_name, ucc.column_name from user_constraints uc, user_cons_columns ucc where uc.constraint_name = ucc.constraint_name and uc.table_name = 『abctest』 and constraint_type = 'p' 


select count(*) from abctest;


dba sys privs 顯示系統中所有傳授給使用者或者角色的許可權。user sys privsd 傳授給當前使用者的系統許可權。dba role privs 顯示系統中的授予使用者的所有角色。user role privs 顯示傳授給當前使用者的角色。sys.session privs 顯示使...




sql server 資料庫實用sql語句 1.按姓氏筆畫排序 select from tablename order by customername collate chinese prc stroke ci as 2.分頁sql語句 select from select row number o...