python之Gui程式設計事件繫結 2014 4 8

2022-09-16 10:54:13 字數 2304 閱讀 1828

place() 相對定位與絕對定位 相對定位 拖動會發生變化 絕對定位不會

from tkinter import *

root = tk()

# absolute positioning

button(root,text="absolute placement").place(x=20, y=10)

# relative positioning

button(root, text="relative").place(relx=0.5, rely=0.2, relwidth=0.5,

width=10, anchor = ne)


from tkinter import *

root = tk()

label(root, text='click at different\n locations in the frame below').pack()

def mycallback(event):

print dir(event)

print "you clicked at", event.x, event.y

#event.x event.y 橫座標縱座標

myframe = frame(root, bg='khaki', width=130, height=80)

myframe.bind("", mycallback)



##keyboard press of alt + ctrl + delete



myframe.bind("", mycallback)繫結事件

注意點:an event type (required): some common event types include button,

buttonrelease, keyrelease, keypress, focusin, focusout, le**e (mouse le**es

the widget ), and mousewheel.

an event modifier (optional): some common event modifiers include alt, any (used

like in ), control, double (used like in to

denote a double-click of the left mouse button ), lock, and shift


from tkinter import *

root = tk()

label(root, text='click at different\n locations in the frame below').pack()

def callback(event):

# print dir(event)

print "you clicked at", event.x, event.y

widget = frame(root, bg='khaki', width=130, height=80)

widget.bind("",callback) #bind widget to left mouse click

widget.bind("", callback) # bind to right mouse click

widget.bind("", callback)# bind to return(enter) key

widget.bind("", callback) #bind to focus in event

widget.bind("", callback)# bind to keypress a

widget.bind("", callback)# bind to capslockkeysym

widget.bind("", callback)# bind widget to f1 keysym

widget.bind("", callback)# bind to keypad number 5

widget.bind('', callback) # bind to motion over widget

widget.bind("", callback) # bind to any keypress




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