# drawtree.py
from turtle import turtle, mainloop
def main():
p = turtle()
p.hideturtle() #make the turtle invisible. it』s a good idea to do this while you』re in the middle of doing some complex drawing,
#because hiding the turtle speeds up the drawing observably.
# p.getscreen().tracer(1,0)#return the turtlescreen object the turtle is drawing on.
#turtlescreen methods can then be called for that object.
p.left(90)# turn turtle left by angle units. direction 調整畫筆
p.penup() #pull the pen up – no drawing when moving.
p.goto(0,-200)#move turtle to an absolute position. if the pen is down, draw line. do not change the turtle』s orientation.
p.pendown()# pull the pen down – drawing when moving. 這三條語句是乙個組合相當於先把筆收起來再移動到指定位置,再把筆放下開始畫
#t = tree([p], 200, 65, 0.6375)
t = tree([p], 200, 65, 0.6375)
原理 利用turtle繪製圓形,並使圓半徑逐步增加 如下 import turtle turtle.pensize 30 for i in range 30 turtle.circle i 10,60 turtle.done 下面對 解釋 1 import turtle 匯入turtle庫,turt...
這不是安和白的第一次合作了o 智商和時間有限,只能選一張簡潔的圖,選別的怕是要畫到入土。點選開始偉大航路 心有多大,屏有多大,畫就有多大 import turtle as t t.setup width 1.0,height 1.0 t.screensize 1500,1500,white t.hi...
python 2 2蟒蛇例項(turtle函式)
def drawsnake rad,angle,len,neckrad def定義函式 函式是一組 的集合,用於表達乙個功能,或者說函式表達一組 的歸屬,函式名稱是這段 的名字 def所定義的函式在程式中未經呼叫不能直接執行,需要通過函式名呼叫才能夠執行 for i in range len tur...