\incmargin % 使得行號不向外突出
\setalgonoline % 不要演算法中的豎線
$w := \$\;\\}
initialize the model parameter $\theta$ and $w$ with uniform $\left(-\sqrt/,\sqrt/\right)$\; % 分號 \; 區分一行結束
standarized $\theta$\;
initialize the popularity of categories $\rho$ randomly\;
\for $
\for \;
\require latent dimension $k$, $g$, target predicate $p$
\ensure $u^$, $v^$, $b^$
\state given target predicate $p$ and entire knowledge graph $g$, construct its bipartite subgraph, $g_$
\state $m$ = number of subject entities in $g_$
\state $n$ = number of object entities in $g_$
\state generate a set of training samples $d_ = \_, o^_)\}$ using uniform sampling technique
\state initialize $u^$ as size $m \times k$ matrix with $0$ mean and standard deviation $0.1$
\state initialize $v^$ as size $n \times k$ matrix with $0$ mean and stardard deviation $0.1$
\state initialize $b^$ as size $n \times 1$ column vector with $0$ mean and stardard deviation $0.1$
\forall_, o^_) \in d_$}
\state update $u_^$ based on equation~\ref
\state update $v_}^$ based on equation~\ref
\state update $v_}^$ based on equation~\ref
\state update $b_}^$ based on equation~\ref
\state update $b_}^$ based on equation~\ref
\state \textbf $u^$, $v^$, $b^$
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