class template std::tuple is a fixed-size collection of heterogeneous values. it is a generalization of std::pair.
不定引數模板 + 模板偏特化tuple作為乙個儲存不定引數模板的類,分為一下幾種偏特化形式:
struct tuple<> {};
struct tuple: public tuple
struct tuple: public nulltuple
可以注意到每個模板struct tuple: public tuple作為其上一級模板的子類來展開,這樣在獲取tuple_at時從前向後維護乙個當前元素的下標計數來訪問元素
templatestruct tuple;
struct tuple<> {};
typedef tuple<> nulltuple;
templatestruct tuple: public tuple
tuple(t&& v, args&&... tails) :base_type(std::move(tails)...), value(std::forward(v)) {}
tuple(t&& v, args&... tails) :base_type(std::move(tails)...), value(std::forward(v)) {}
tuple(t& v, args&&... tails) :base_type(std::move(tails)...), value(std::forward(v)) {}
t& getval()
t value;
}; templatestruct tuple: public nulltuple
t& getval()
t value;
}; templatestruct tuple_at;
templatestruct tuple_at>
; templatestruct tuple_at<0, tuple>
; templatestruct tuple_at<0, tuple>
; template<>
struct tuple_at<0,tuple<>>
; templatetypename tuple_at>::value_type& tuple_get(tuple& t)
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