// 以下是巨集定義的一些用法
11.4.2 #if defined… #else …#endif此編譯指令為#ifdef … #else …#endif的等價編譯指令。其語法格式如下:
#if defined 常量表示式
或#if defined (常量表示式)
#if defined常量表示式
因為對於乙個大程式而言,我們可能要定義很多常量( 不管是放在原始檔還是標頭檔案 ),那麼我們有時考慮定義某個常量時,我們就必須返回檢查原來此常量是否定義,但這樣做很麻煩.if defined巨集正是為這種情況提供了解決方案.舉個例子,如下:#define ....
#define ....
#define a 100
#if defined a
#undef a
#define a 200
#ifndef a //如果a沒有被定義
#define a 100
以上所用的巨集中:#undef為解除定義,#ifndef是if not defined的縮寫,即如果沒有定義。
這就是#if defined 的唯一作用!
#include extern lcm_driver nt35510_lcm_drv;extern lcm_driver hx8369_lcm_drv;
extern lcm_driver bm8578_lcm_drv;
extern lcm_driver nt35582_mcu_lcm_drv;
extern lcm_driver hx8357b_lcm_drv;
extern lcm_driver hx8369_dsi_lcm_drv;
extern lcm_driver hx8369_hvga_lcm_drv;
extern lcm_driver ili9481_lcm_drv;
extern lcm_driver nt35582_lcm_drv;
extern lcm_driver s6d0170_lcm_drv;
extern lcm_driver spfd5461a_lcm_drv;
extern lcm_driver ta7601_lcm_drv;
extern lcm_driver tft1p3037_lcm_drv;
extern lcm_driver zte6516_lcm_drv;
extern lcm_driver r61408_lcm_drv;
extern lcm_driver lg4572b_lcm_drv;
lcm_driver* lcm_driver_list =
;#define lcm_compile_assert(condition) lcm_compile_assert_x(condition, __line__)
#define lcm_compile_assert_x(condition, line) lcm_compile_assert_xx(condition, line)
#define lcm_compile_assert_xx(condition, line) char assertion_failed_at_line_##line[(condition)?1:-1]
unsigned int lcm_count = sizeof(lcm_driver_list)/sizeof(lcm_driver*);
lcm_compile_assert(0 != sizeof(lcm_driver_list)/sizeof(lcm_driver*));
extern lcm_driver* lcm_driver_list;extern unsigned int lcm_count;
const char str="jblcm#1#aaaa";
lcm_driver *disp_drv_get_lcm_driver(const char* lcm_name)
;lcm_params *lcm_params_new = &s_lcm_params_new;
lcm = lcm_driver_list[0];
memset((void*)lcm_params, 0, sizeof(lcm_params));
int i;
for(i = 1;i < lcm_count;i++)}}
printf("[lcm auto detect] no lcm device found\n");
printf("[lcm auto detect] we will using the lcm driver with minimum resolution\n");
// if we are here, it means:
// 1.there is no correct driver for the lcm used;
// 2.there is no lcm device connected.
// we will find the lcm with minimum resolution to use,
// in case physical memory is not enough
// goto done;
printf("[lcm auto detect] no lcm device found\n");
printf("[lcm auto detect] we will using the lcm driver with minimum resolution\n");
// if we are here, it means:
// 1.there is no correct driver for the lcm used;
// 2.there is no lcm device connected.
// we will find the lcm with minimum resolution to use,
// in case physical memory is not enough
;lcm_params *lcm_params_new = &s_lcm_params_new;
lcm = lcm_driver_list[0];
memset((void*)lcm_params, 0, sizeof(lcm_params));
for(i = 1;i < lcm_count;i++)}}
} }
abs int 巨集定義 巨集定義和巨集方法
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