std io的乙個筆記

2022-07-17 20:24:12 字數 694 閱讀 6816

之前一直用fread和fwrite,但是一直沒有認真看過manual page。這次看apue才發現,自己之前有個誤解。

std io 操作

size_t fwrite(const void *buf, size_t size,

size_t count, file *fp);

if `fwrite' succeeds in writing all the elements you specify, the

result is the same as the argument count. in any event, the

result is the number of complete elements that `fwrite' copied to

the file.

從manual page可以看出,fwrite返回的是寫入的個數count,而不是size*count。之前一直誤會了fwrite。


size_t fread(void *buf, size_t size, size_t count,

file *fp);


the result of `fread' is the number of elements it succeeded in


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