開機不啟動 //重啟虛機後,再次檢查firewall的狀態
[root@localhost hello]# systemctl disable firewalld.service
開機啟動 //重啟虛機後,再次檢查firewall的狀態
[root@localhost hello]# vim /etc/selinux/config
2 # this file controls the state of selinux on the system.
3 # selinux= can take one of these three values:
4 # enforcing - selinux security policy is enforced.
5 # permissive - selinux prints warnings instead of enforcing.
6 # disabled - no selinux policy is loaded.
7 8 selinux=disabled # 永久關閉
9 #selinux=enforcing
10 11 # selinuxtype= can take one of three values:
12 # targeted - targeted processes are protected,
13 # minimum - modification of targeted policy. only selected processes are protec ted.
14 # mls - multi level security protection.
15 selinuxtype=targeted
[root@localhost hello]# reboot
Linux關閉防火牆並設定開機啟動 不啟動
檢視防火牆 root cactiez service iptables status關閉防火牆 root cactiez service iptables stop開啟防火牆 root cactiez service iptables start永久關閉防火牆 查詢開啟iptables是否啟動 ro...
永久關閉防火牆 vsftp 開機自啟動
永久開啟或則關閉 chkconfig iptables on chkconfig iptables off 即時生效 重啟後還原 service iptables start service iptables stop 開機預設vsftp服務自動啟動 方法一 常用 方便 root localhost...
啟動 關閉和設定ubuntu防火牆
sudo ufw enable disable 由於linux原始的防火牆工具iptables過於繁瑣,所以ubuntu預設提供了乙個基於iptable之上的防火牆工具ufw。ubuntu 9.10預設的便是ufw防火牆,它已經支援介面操作了。在命令列執行ufw命令就可以看到提示的一系列可進行的操作...