sql server中排名的問題

2022-05-27 09:57:08 字數 4500 閱讀 6139



rank() over([partition by col1] order by col2)

dense_rank() over([partition by col1] order by col2)

row_number() over([partition by col1] order by col2)

其中[partition by col1]可省略。



row_number() 是沒有重複值的排序(即使兩天記錄相等也是不重複的),可以利用它來實現分頁

dense_rank() 是連續排序,兩個第二名仍然跟著第三名

rank()       是跳躍拍學,兩個第二名下來就是第四名


sql> create table t(

2   name varchar2(10),

3   score number(3));

table created

sql> insert into t(name,score) 

select '語文',60 from dual union all

select '語文',90 from dual union all

select '語文',80 from dual union all

select '語文',80 from dual union all

select '數學',67 from dual union all

select '數學',77 from dual union all

select '數學',78 from dual union all

select '數學',88 from dual union all

select '數學',99 from dual union all

select '語文',70 from dual

10 rows inserted

sql> select * from t;

name       score

---------- -----

語文          60

語文          90

語文          80

語文          80

數學          67

數學          77

數學          78

數學          88

數學          99

語文          70

10 rows selected

sql> select name,score,rank() over(partition by name order by score) tt from t;

name       score         tt

---------- ----- ----------

數學          67          1

數學          77          2

數學          78          3

數學          88          4

數學          99          5

語文          60          1

語文          70          2

語文          80          3   <----

語文          80          3   <----

語文          90          5

10 rows selected

sql> select name,score,dense_rank() over(partition by name order by score) tt from t;

name       score         tt

---------- ----- ----------

數學          67          1

數學          77          2

數學          78          3

數學          88          4

數學          99          5

語文          60          1

語文          70          2

語文          80          3   <----

語文          80          3   <----

語文          90          4

10 rows selected

sql> select name,score,row_number() over(partition by name order by score) tt from t;

name       score         tt

---------- ----- ----------

數學          67          1

數學          77          2

數學          78          3

數學          88          4

數學          99          5

語文          60          1

語文          70          2

語文          80          3  <----

語文          80          4  <----

語文          90          5

10 rows selected

sql> select name,score,rank() over(order by score) tt from t;

name       score         tt

---------- ----- ----------

語文          60          1

數學          67          2

語文          70          3

數學          77          4

數學          78          5

語文          80          6

語文          80          6

數學          88          8

語文          90          9

數學          99         10

10 rows selected



select name,score from (select name,score,dense_rank() over(partition by name order by score desc) tt from t) x where x.tt<=3  

name       score ---------- -----

數學          99

數學          88

數學          78

語文          90

語文          80

語文          80

6 rows selected


select name,score,x.tt from (select name,score,rank() over(partition by name order by score desc) tt from t) x where x.name='語文' and x.score=70

name       score         tt ---------- ----- ----------

語文          70               4    


select xx.* from (select t.*,row_number() over(order by score desc) rowno from t) xx where xx.rowno between 1 and 3;

name       score      rowno ---------- ----- ----------

數學          99          1

語文          90          2

數學          88          3

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