在測試把普通表修改為交換分割槽的時候,出現ora-14099: all rows in table do not qualify for specified partition
sql> create table yoon ( id number primary key,time date ) ;
table created.
sql> insert into yoon select rownum,created from dba_objects;
74930 rows created.
提交sql> commit;
commit complete.
sql> create table yoon_new ( id number primary key,time date ) partition by range(time)
2 (partition p1 values less than (to_date('2011-10-01','yyyy-dd-mm')),
3 partition p2 values less than (maxvalue));
table created.
sql> alter table yoon_new exchange partition p1 with table yoon;
alter table yoon_new exchange partition p1 with table yoon
*error at line 1:
ora-14099: all rows in table do not qualify for specified partition
sql> create table yoon_new ( id number primary key,time date ) partition by range(time)
2 (partition p1 values less than (to_date('2015-10-01','yyyy-dd-mm')),
3 partition p2 values less than (maxvalue));
table created.
sql> alter table yoon_new exchange partition p1 with table yoon;
table altered.
2.sql> alter table yoon_new exchange partition p1 with table yoon without validation;
table altered.
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