type person struct看到了嗎?宣告乙個struct如此簡單,上面的型別包含有兩個字段
type person struct除了上面這種p的宣告使用之外,還有另外幾種宣告使用方式:var p person // p現在就是person型別的變數了
p.name = "astaxie" // 賦值"astaxie"給p的name屬性.
p.age = 25 // 賦值"25"給變數p的age屬性
fmt.printf("the person's name is %s", p.name) // 訪問p的name屬性.
import "fmt"
// 宣告乙個新的型別
type person struct
// 比較兩個人的年齡,返回年齡大的那個人,並且返回年齡差
// struct也是傳值的
func older(p1, p2 person) (person, int)
return p2, p2.age-p1.age
}func main()
// 按照struct定義順序初始化值
paul := person
tb_older, tb_diff := older(tom, bob)
tp_older, tp_diff := older(tom, paul)
bp_older, bp_diff := older(bob, paul)
fmt.printf("of %s and %s, %s is older by %d years\n",
tom.name, bob.name, tb_older.name, tb_diff)
fmt.printf("of %s and %s, %s is older by %d years\n",
tom.name, paul.name, tp_older.name, tp_diff)
fmt.printf("of %s and %s, %s is older by %d years\n",
bob.name, paul.name, bp_older.name, bp_diff)
package main圖例如下:import "fmt"
type human struct
type student struct
func main() , "computer science"}
// 我們訪問相應的字段
fmt.println("his name is ", mark.name)
fmt.println("his age is ", mark.age)
fmt.println("his weight is ", mark.weight)
fmt.println("his speciality is ", mark.speciality)
// 修改對應的備註資訊
mark.speciality = "ai"
fmt.println("mark changed his speciality")
fmt.println("his speciality is ", mark.speciality)
// 修改他的年齡資訊
fmt.println("mark become old")
mark.age = 46
fmt.println("his age is", mark.age)
// 修改他的體重資訊
fmt.println("mark is not an athlet anymore")
mark.weight += 60
fmt.println("his weight is", mark.weight)
圖2.7 struct組合,student組合了human struct和string基本型別
mark.human = human通過匿名訪問和修改字段相當的有用,但是不僅僅是struct欄位哦,所有的內建型別和自定義型別都是可以作為匿名欄位的。請看下面的例子mark.human.age -= 1
package main這裡有乙個問題:如果human裡面有乙個字段叫做phone,而student也有乙個字段叫做phone,那麼該怎麼辦呢?import "fmt"
type skills string
type human struct
type student struct
func main() , speciality:"biology"}
// 現在我們來訪問相應的字段
fmt.println("her name is ", jane.name)
fmt.println("her age is ", jane.age)
fmt.println("her weight is ", jane.weight)
fmt.println("her speciality is ", jane.speciality)
// 我們來修改他的skill技能字段
jane.skills = string
fmt.println("her skills are ", jane.skills)
fmt.println("she acquired two new ones ")
fmt.println("her skills now are ", jane.skills)
// 修改匿名內建型別字段
jane.int = 3
fmt.println("her preferred number is", jane.int)
package mainimport "fmt"
type human struct
type employee struct
func main() , "designer", "333-222"}
fmt.println("bob's work phone is:", bob.phone)
// 如果我們要訪問human的phone欄位
fmt.println("bob's personal phone is:", bob.human.phone)
如果乙個method的receiver是 t,你可以在乙個t型別的例項變數v上面呼叫這個method,而不需要 v去呼叫這個method 即不需要 v method 如果乙個method的receiver是t,你可以在乙個 t型別的變數p上呼叫這個method,而不需要 p去呼叫這個method。i...
與c語法不同之處 1.引數列表中各個引數型別相同時可以只寫出最後乙個,如 add x,y int int 2.型別在引數名 變數 函式 後面 3.函式的左大括號要跟函式名同一行,否則編譯不過 4.函式定義要先寫關鍵字func在函式開頭 函式外的每個語句都要以func var等等關鍵字開頭 5.在包或...
package main import fmt func main break default func inte ce select case defer gomap struct chan else goto package switch const fallthrough ifrange ty...