use wms;
drop table if exists riv_outbound_notice_statistics;
-- 增加出庫通知單統計表
create table `riv_outbound_notice_statistics` (
`ons_id` int(10) not null auto_increment comment '主鍵id',
`begin_time` datetime not null comment '統計起始時間',
`end_time` datetime not null comment '統計結束時間',
`onh_total_qty` bigint(19) not null comment '出庫通知單總建立量',
`onh_shiped_qty` bigint(19) not null comment '出庫通知單已發貨量',
primary key (`ons_id`)
) engine=innodb default charset=utf8 comment='出庫通知單統計表';
drop procedure if exists pro_outbound_notice_statistics;
-- 增加出庫通知單統計函式
delimiter //
create procedure `pro_outbound_notice_statistics`()
declare create_notice_num varchar(50);
declare ship_notice_num varchar(50);
declare curtime varchar(50);
declare pretime varchar(50);
declare curday varchar(50);
declare curhour varchar(50);
set curtime = concat(date_format(now(),'%y-%m-%d %h'),':00:00');
set pretime = date_sub(curtime, interval 1 hour);
select count(1) into create_notice_num from riv_outbound_notice_h onh where onh.create_time < curtime and onh.create_time >= pretime;
select count(1) into ship_notice_num from riv_outbound_notice_h onh where onh.onh_status = 90 and onh.onh_ship_datetime < curtime and onh.onh_ship_datetime >= pretime;
select pretime,curtime ,create_notice_num,ship_notice_num;
insert into riv_outbound_notice_statistics(`begin_time`, `end_time`,`onh_total_qty`, `onh_shiped_qty`) values(pretime, curtime, create_notice_num, ship_notice_num );
delimiter ;
drop event if exists event_auto_outbound_notice_statistics;
set global event_scheduler='on';
-- 增加出庫通知單統計事件
create event `event_auto_outbound_notice_statistics`
on schedule every 1 hour starts '2017-11-10 00:00:00' ends '2018-01-01 00:00:00'
on completion not preserve
docall pro_outbound_notice_statistics();
首先 找到languages sc utf 8 admin mailtemplate.lang.php增加乙個 duanxin desc 給使用者 簡訊通知 然後找到 includes arrayfiles msgtemplate.arrayfile.php增加一句 duanxin array de...