sub treefill3(ctime as string, byval ckey as string)
' 迴圈填充tree1控制項內容
dim c as string
dim cnode as node
dim csql as string
dim crec as rdoresultset
dim crec1 as rdoresultset
dim i as integer
csql = "select ctype_name from tbl_abs_net where ctype='type' and icount = 3"
set crec = gdata.openresultset(csql, rdopenkeyset)
i = 2
do while crec.eof = false
c = trim(crec(0))
set cnode = tree3.nodes.add(, , , , i)
cnode.key = "r" + trim(crec(0))
cnode.text = c
cnode.expanded = true '垂直滾動條起始位置在頂上
csql = "select a.iid,a.ctitle from tbl_question a,tbl_question_oper o " _
& "where a.iid=o.iid and o.coper_code='" & gusercode & "' and a.canswer<>'' and a.ctype='" & c & "' " _
& " and ((a.ctitle like '%" & ckey & "%') or (a.cquestion like '%" & ckey & "%') or (a.canswer like '%" & ckey & "%')) "
csql = csql + ctime + " order by a.iid desc"
set crec1 = gdata.openresultset(csql, rdopenkeyset)
if crec1.rowcount <> 0 then
do while crec1.eof = false
c = trim(cstr(crec1(0))) + " " + trim(crec1(1))
set cnode = tree3.nodes.add("r" & trim(crec(0)), tvwchild, , , 1)
cnode.text = c
cnode.key = "d" & trim(cstr(crec1(0)))
' tree3.nodes("d" & trim(crec1(0))).ensurevisible '垂直滾動條起始位置在底部
end if
i = i + 1
cnodeindex1 = 1
end sub
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