db2示例使用者登陸後,使用指令碼語句db2 get snapshot for all ondbname>snap.out
也可以使用db2 get snapshot for dynamic sql ondbname>snap.out,此語句是只記錄上一語句中的部分
dynamic sql snapshot resultnumber of executetions:可以幫助找到最優的那些重要語句,它對於幫助計算語句的平均執行時間也很有用。database name = qindb
database path = /db2home/db2inst1/db2inst1/node0000/sql00002/
number of executions = 3 --編譯次數,為累加值
number of compilations = 1 --sql語句編譯的最長時間
worst preparation time (ms) = 87
best preparation time (ms) = 87
internal rows deleted = not collected
internal rows inserted = not collected
read = not collected
internal rows updated = not collected
rows written = not collected
statement sorts = not collected
statement sort overflows = not collected
total sort time = not collected
buffer pool data logical reads = not collected
buffer pool data physical reads = not collected
buffer pool temporary data logical reads = not collected
buffer pool temporary data physical reads = not collected
buffer pool index logical reads = not collected
buffer pool index physical reads = not collected
buffer pool temporary
index logical reads = not collected
buffer pool temporary
index physical reads = not collected
buffer pool xda logical reads = not collected
buffer pool xda physical reads = not collected
buffer pool temporary xda logical reads = not collected
buffer pool temporary xda physical reads = not collected
total execution time (sec.microsec)= not collected --sql語句的總執行時間
total user cpu time (sec.microsec) = not collected
total system cpu time (sec.microsec)= not collected
total statistic fabrication time (milliseconds) = not collected
total synchronous runstats time (milliseconds) = not collected
statement text = select * from len.cust_info where cust_id like '%09' --sql語句文字
rows read :可以幫助識別讀取行數最多的動態sql語句,如果讀取行數最多,通常意味著進行全表掃瞄。
total execution time:是將語句每次執行時間加起來得到的總時間,我們可以利用該時間除以number of executrtions,可以得到平均執行時間。如果語句的平均執行時間很長,可能是因為表掃瞄或者出現鎖等待。
基於上述使用語句db2 get snapshot for all on dbname生成的文字內容,我們可以使用grep對快照的輸出內容執行搜尋
例如:<1> 識別是否存在死鎖
grep -n "deadlocks detected" snap.out |grep -v "= 0" |more<2> 搜尋執行最頻繁的sql語句
grep -n "number of executions" snap.out | grep -v "= 0" | sort -k 6rn |more<3> 查詢總的執行時間
grep -n "total execution time" snap.out | grep -v "= 0.0"| sort -k 6nr| more二、監控動態sql(db2top)使用db2top命令找出最頻繁、最耗時的sql(使用db2資料庫使用者登入)
db2top –ddbname
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