DB2 檢視表空間對應的物理檔案位址

2022-01-30 07:16:08 字數 2550 閱讀 4958


db2 list tablespaces show detail

db2 list tablespace containers for [tablespace id] [show detail]

說明:在語句末尾新增show detail,則能檢視表空間大小以及使用的資訊



db2inst1@linux:/opt>db2 list tablespaces show detail

tablespaces for current database

tablespace id                        = 0

name                                 = syscatspace

type                                 = database managed space

contents                             = all permanent data. regular table space.

state                                = 0x0000

detailed explanation:


total pages                          = 24576

useable pages                        = 24572

used pages                           = 22552

free pages                           = 2020

high water mark (pages)              = 22552

page size (bytes)                    = 4096

extent size (pages)                  = 4

prefetch size (pages)                = 4

number of containers                 = 1

tablespace id                        = 2

name                                 = userspace1

type                                 = database managed space

contents                             = all permanent data. large table space.

state                                = 0x0000

detailed explanation:


total pages                          = 49152

useable pages                        = 49120

used pages                           = 45984

free pages                           = 3136

high water mark (pages)              = 45984

page size (bytes)                    = 4096

extent size (pages)                  = 32

prefetch size (pages)                = 32

number of containers                 = 1

db2inst1@linux:/opt>db2 list tablespace containers for 3

tablespace containers for tablespace 3

container id                         = 0

name                                 = /db2home/db2inst1/db2inst1/node0000/qindb/t0000003/c0000000.tmp

type                                 = path



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