事件引數 pagechangedeventarg.cs[templatepart(name = "part_totalcount", type = typeof(textblock))]
[templatepart(name = "part_pagesize", type = typeof(textblock))]
[templatepart(name = "part_pageindex", type = typeof(textblock))]
[templatepart(name = "part_totalpage", type = typeof(textblock))]
[templatepart(name = "part_firstpage", type = typeof(button))]
[templatepart(name = "part_prepage", type = typeof(button))]
[templatepart(name = "part_nextpage", type = typeof(button))]
[templatepart(name = "part_lastpage", type = typeof(button))]
[templatepart(name = "part_pagego", type = typeof(button))]
[templatepart(name = "part_pagenum", type = typeof(textbox))]
public class pager : control
#region 依賴屬性
#region 總記錄數
public int totalcount
// using a dependencyproperty as the backing store for totalcount. this enables animation, styling, binding, etc...
public static readonly dependencyproperty totalcountproperty =
dependencyproperty.register("totalcount", typeof(int), typeof(pager), new frameworkpropertymetadata(0, frameworkpropertymetadataoptions.bindstwowaybydefault,
(obj, e) =>
#region 每頁大小
public int pagesize
// using a dependencyproperty as the backing store for pagesize. this enables animation, styling, binding, etc...
public static readonly dependencyproperty pagesizeproperty =
dependencyproperty.register("pagesize", typeof(int), typeof(pager), new frameworkpropertymetadata(0,
(obj, e) =>
#region 當前頁
public int pageindex
// using a dependencyproperty as the backing store for pageindex. this enables animation, styling, binding, etc...
public static readonly dependencyproperty pageindexproperty =
dependencyproperty.register("pageindex", typeof(int), typeof(pager), new frameworkpropertymetadata(0,
(obj, e) =>
#region 總頁數
public int totalpage
// using a dependencyproperty as the backing store for totalpage. this enables animation, styling, binding, etc...
public static readonly dependencyproperty totalpageproperty =
dependencyproperty.register("totalpage", typeof(int), typeof(pager), new frameworkpropertymetadata(0,
(obj, e) =>
#region 路由事件
public static readonly routedevent pagechangedevent = eventmanager.registerroutedevent("pagechanged",
routingstrategy.bubble, typeof(eventhandler), typeof(pager));
public event eventhandlerpagechanged
}protected virtual void onpagechanged()
#region 方法
public void settotalpage(int totalpage)
public void setpageindex(int pageindex)
public void setpagesize(int pagesize)
/// /// 設定總記錄數
public void settotalcount(int totalcount)
#region 私有方法
private void _btnpagego_click(object sender, routedeventargs e)}}
private void _btnlastpage_click(object sender, routedeventargs e)
private void _btnnextpage_click(object sender, routedeventargs e)
}private void _btnprepage_click(object sender, routedeventargs e)
}private void _btnfirstpage_click(object sender, routedeventargs e)
demo和原始碼都在開源中國上public class pagechangedeventarg : routedeventargs
public pagechangedeventarg(int pageindex) : base()
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