table_schema 資料庫名稱
select count( * ) from information_schema.tables where table_schema = '庫名'
select column_name as columnname from information_schema.columns where table_name = '' and table_schema = '
table_schema 資料庫名稱
select count( * ) from information_schema.tables where table_schema = '庫名'
select column_name as columnname from information_schema.columns where table_name = '' and table_schema = '
mysql 常用查詢語句
1 在原有的時間欄位上做加減 1 減幾天date sub update bg outpatient test set test time date sub test time,interval 30 day where test time sysdate 2 加幾天adddate update bg...
根據字段進行查詢 select nickname from os user where nickname biubiubiu 查詢os user account表中金額由大到小排名前三的使用者的所有資訊 select from os user account order by balance des...
檢視mysql本次啟動後的執行時間 單位 秒 show status like uptime 檢視select語句的執行數 show status like com select 檢視insert語句的執行數 show status like com insert 檢視update語句的執行數 sh...